Wing Chun Seminar

Hung Fa Moose

Yellow Belt
Aug 12, 2004
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
[FONT=Viner Hand ITC,Courier New]
Meng’s Martial Arts
[/FONT][FONT=Viner Hand ITC,Courier New]
[/FONT][FONT=Viner Hand ITC,Courier New]
Master Benny Meng
[/FONT][FONT=Viner Hand ITC,Courier New]
Grand Master Garrett Gee​
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The Inheritor of the Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun
Kung Fu System
In a Two Day Seminar Entitled

"Ng Leun Ying Faat"
(Five Wheel Reaction Drill )​
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Experience this exercise which is a stage of Kwan Sau Kiu Sau
and learn the five progressions of Ng Leun Ying Jong Faat
"Shape, Force, Flow, Strike, and Neutralize"
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This Event will be held On​
[/FONT][FONT=High Tower Text,Palatino Linotype]
October 21, 2006 and October 22, 2006​
[/FONT][FONT=High Tower Text,Palatino Linotype]
beginning at 10:00 am.
There will be a Banquet on Saturday Evening​
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Please call (937) 236-6485 for pricing information.
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[/FONT][FONT=High Tower Text,Palatino Linotype]Pre-registration is recommended.

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Meng’s Martial Arts is located at:
5715 Brandt Pike, in Huber Heights, Ohio, 45424​
[/FONT][FONT=High Tower Text,Palatino Linotype][/FONT][FONT=High Tower Text,Palatino Linotype]To register call (937) 236-6485 and reserve your place for this event, or contact your local Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Kwoon