Wing Chun Seminar

Danny T

Senior Master
The PROGRESSIVE Martial Arts Training Center will be hosting Sifu Francis Fong, President and Head Instructor of the Wing Chun Association of the USA for a Wing Chun Seminar on Oct. 16-17, 2004 in Lafayette, La. Practitioners of all level are welcome to attend.
Seminar starts at 10:00 am Sat Oct. 16.
Wing Chun principles, structure, and positions will be stressed along with tactics. Application of the principles for the creation of techniques along with timing drills will be shown.

Sifu Fong is a gifted instructor having the unique ability to functionlize Wing Chun's principles and tool into many different techniques.

For more information please contact Danny or Mike at

Danny Terrell
one of the guys at my school went to some fong seminars in the past and he has shown me some really cool stuff that came from fong, i wish i lived in the area so i could attend
I hope you have a great seminar. I was lucky to meet Sifu Fong a few years ago, and I enjoyed him a lot!! He is full of energy and very good natured and a lot of fun!


The Mark
The Mark,

Looking forward to the seminar. What did you think of his ability as an instructor?

I have been fortunate to be able to train under him for the past 15 years. I have never left a session with him and not be in awe of his ability as a martial artist and as an instructor.

There are many fine instructors doing seminars these days however I have met very few with the martial ability of Sifu Fong.


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