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- Carol Kaur -
- MT Moderator -
Egad! I cannot believe what a troll you are!

What made you think it was his opinions? Could it be the fact that they were COMING OUT OF HIS MOUTH? Nice deductive work.

And no, truth or falsity of claims is not decided by popular consensus. That would be the ad populum fallacy.

I disagree that it is even possible to invent a martial art. To my knowledge, no one has ever sought to patent one.

I am the grandmaster of Tanizaki-do Logic-jutsu.
Tanizaki, I have seen that you have much to learn in the way of ettiquette. bcbernam777 has lost patience with you which says a lot in itself.

You do not agree that you can invent a martial art? How do you think that martial arts were first created? Choi Kwang Do which is a derivative of TKD was invented by Master Choi, TaiBo was a 'martial art' that was invented recently. I still have the articles stating that these arts were invented

Unfortunately, truth or falsity of claims is decided by popular consensus. That is why America has jury's. That is why people vote.

When Bruce lee first came to America, he stated a lot of things and no-one believed him. It took students, media etc to convince America that he was good. Even now, people still debate as to how good a fighter Lee was.
You do not agree that you can invent a martial art? How do you think that martial arts were first created? Choi Kwang Do which is a derivative of TKD was invented by Master Choi, TaiBo was a 'martial art' that was invented recently. I still have the articles stating that these arts were invented
Tae Bo is an aerobics program. I have articles stating that UFOs are real. That does not make it so. You are using the appeal to authority fallacy.

I think that invention is a poor word to apply to a martial arts system. Assuming that it is any sort of intellectual property at all, patent is a bad fit. Maybe copyright? Dance routines can be copyrighted.

Unfortunately, truth or falsity of claims is decided by popular consensus. That is why America has jury's. That is why people vote.
No, that is incorrect. Popular consensus does not determine the truth or falsity of claims. For example, it was once popularly held that the universe was geocentric, but now we know that the solar system is heliocentric.

To use your example of juries, have you ever noticed that it is sometimes discovered that an innocent person has been convicted? A jury's verdict does not mean that the person committed the crime of which he was accused; it simply means that 6 or 12 people were convinced of it.

When Bruce lee first came to America, he stated a lot of things and no-one believed him.
If that's true, he is one of the most amazing people I have ever heard of. Imagine a person who was born speaking!

It took students, media etc to convince America that he was good. Even now, people still debate as to how good a fighter Lee was.

I don't see with this has to do with the matter of inventing a martial art.
Tae Bo is an aerobics program. I have articles stating that UFOs are real. That does not make it so. You are using the appeal to authority fallacy..
Tae Bo is actually labelled as a martial arts/aerobics system. UFO's are real!! UFO - Unidentified Flying Object. If a person sees something in the sky he cannot identify, that is a UFO.

I think that invention is a poor word to apply to a martial arts system. Assuming that it is any sort of intellectual property at all, patent is a bad fit. Maybe copyright? Dance routines can be copyrighted..
It might be a poor word but it is still a right word. Many martial arts existing today have some kind of copyright in the sense that if you go and start a new club that looks and sounds like another, you are answerable to numerous people.
But I cannot believe you are nitpicking over a word. Invent, create, devise, conceive, whatever!!

No, that is incorrect. Popular consensus does not determine the truth or falsity of claims. For example, it was once popularly held that the universe was geocentric, but now we know that the solar system is heliocentric..
Yes but at the time that was true to them.
Just as now most scientists believe that the dinosaurs were killed by a meteor, they might find out in ten years that there was something else that caused it.

To use your example of juries, have you ever noticed that it is sometimes discovered that an innocent person has been convicted? A jury's verdict does not mean that the person committed the crime of which he was accused; it simply means that 6 or 12 people were convinced of it..
Yes, but it is the truth in the eyes of the law. If a person is convicted, that is the truth unless new evidence comes to light. But my point was that if you have 12 jurors and 1 person disagrees that the man is guilty, you can still convict him

If that's true, he is one of the most amazing people I have ever heard of. Imagine a person who was born speaking! .
You are trying to be clever in that Bruce Lee was born in America. However, you have slipped up - I said when Bruce Lee first CAME to America, not when Bruce Lee was first IN America. Try again

I don't see with this has to do with the matter of inventing a martial art.
We were discussing what makes a master and whether general consensus makes a thing true. I was pointing out that many people still debate over whether Lee was ever a great fighter
Tae Bo is actually labelled as a martial arts/aerobics system.
The use of the passive voice here is weasel words. It begs the question "labeled by whom?"

UFO's are real!! UFO - Unidentified Flying Object. If a person sees something in the sky he cannot identify, that is a UFO.
Until it is shown to be a weather balloon.

It might be a poor word but it is still a right word. Many martial arts existing today have some kind of copyright in the sense that if you go and start a new club that looks and sounds like another, you are answerable to numerous people.
An invention has four characteristics: novelty, usefulness, non-obviousness, and patentable subject matter. Movements of the human body are not patentable. However, they can be copyrighted.

But I cannot believe you are nitpicking over a word. Invent, create, devise, conceive, whatever!!
I fail to see how it is picking nits. We do not say that Herman Melville invented Moby Dick, for example. If you cannot say what you mean, however can you mean what you say?

Yes but at the time that was true to them.
So what? Did the sun jump around the universe once human beings rejected the geocentric model?

Just as now most scientists believe that the dinosaurs were killed by a meteor, they might find out in ten years that there was something else that caused it.
Thank you for supporting my argument that consensus does not make something true. I am glad we now agree.

Yes, but it is the truth in the eyes of the law. If a person is convicted, that is the truth unless new evidence comes to light. But my point was that if you have 12 jurors and 1 person disagrees that the man is guilty, you can still convict him
Actually, that is a matter of state law. Some require unanimous jury verdicts, others do not. No matter, truth in the eyes of the law is not empirical truth, which is what I am talking about.

You are trying to be clever in that Bruce Lee was born in America. However, you have slipped up - I said when Bruce Lee first CAME to America, not when Bruce Lee was first IN America. Try again
It's ok that you did not know he was born here. Are you saying that when he was born in America, he did not come to America? Where did he come, then?

We were discussing what makes a master and whether general consensus makes a thing true. I was pointing out that many people still debate over whether Lee was ever a great fighter

I was discussing that Bruce Lee never invented anything. I never talked about what makes a master. It is impolite to take part in a discussion if you do not know the topic.

Please keep the conversation polite and respectful and return to the original topic. These in-thread warnings are for ALL USERS.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Assist. Administrator

Please keep the conversation polite and respectful and return to the original topic. These in-thread warnings are for ALL USERS.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Assist. Administrator

It is. People are disagreeing without being disagreeable. I never understood the call for the first warning.
It is. People are disagreeing without being disagreeable. I never understood the call for the first warning.
Admin Note: Final Warning

Then I suggest you read the general posting rules of the forum and ask any questions in the support forum before posting again; name-calling would be a good example of rule-breaking and the need for warnings.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
Assist. Administrator
Admin Note: Final Warning

Then I suggest you read the general posting rules of the forum and ask any questions in the support forum before posting again; name-calling would be a good example of rule-breaking and the need for warnings.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
Assist. Administrator
Who called anyone a name? If you mean when bcbernam777 called me a troll, I said I wouldn't hold that against him, so no harm done.

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