Wing Chun or Kali Arnis Escrima and Silat ?


White Belt
What should i learn i have the opprotunitty to learn Wing Chun or Kali Arnis Escrima and Silat , The Kali Arnis Escrima and Silat are taught all at one school but the Wing Chun is at a different school and i can only afford to take one . I feel that the Wing Chun would take to long to learn for selfdefense i went to look at the Wing Chun School a few times and it seems that it would take forever but when i look at Kali and Escrima and Silat it seems that these arts are much better in Combat reality fighting or selfdefence on the streets . So what are peoples opinions on this ?
I've trained (or am training) in the arts you mention. Wing Chun training, when done properly, produces competent fighters in a relatively short amount of time, so you don't need to worry about that. It is based on sound fighting principles and training in it will give you a great foundation that translates to other martial arts. Given the choice, however, I am biased and would go for the silat/escrima/arnis/etc. because of the weapons training it will also give you.
Why would you want to learn something fast is my first thought.
Every MA is effective as self defense. As others have said on here, it is the practicioner and not the art.

Most importantly after visiting each school,
1. How were the teachers?
2. How big were the classes?
3. How competent did the students look?
4. How often and how long are the classes?
5. Which atmosphere felt better to you?
6. How much sparring takes place?

Let us know so we can be of some more help.
Do they have websites?
You might want to take a look at the core principles of the arts as well. See which suits your personality and desires as well. I fully concurr with what Ace says. Not the style, but the heart behind it.

Here is a link to the Wing Chun school they teach what is called Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun
Here is the link to the Silat , Escrima Arnis school
The reason i would want to learn a art fast is because i am already 36 years old that is not young starting to learn martial arts at 36 , Also i need something that is going to teach me selfdefense in a reasonable amount of time Escrima or Arnis and Silat seem to be good systems that will do this in a reasonable amount of time .
Firehawk4 said:
Here is a link to the Wing Chun school they teach what is called Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun
Here is the link to the Silat , Escrima Arnis school
The reason i would want to learn a art fast is because i am already 36 years old that is not young starting to learn martial arts at 36 , Also i need something that is going to teach me selfdefense in a reasonable amount of time Escrima or Arnis and Silat seem to be good systems that will do this in a reasonable amount of time .

The WC site is for the museum but I dont know where to go to find out about a school itself. Can you point me in the right direction?

Ok I can understand why you want to learn something relative fast (say 2-3 years) due to age. Dont let your age be a big factor b/c you are young. Maybe a lil too old for WuShu..LOL!
Have you visited the schools?
Have you seen a lot of both styles used?

See if the school is listed here. The one I found under the same name but it was in San Francisco.
YOu will probably have to put in the same amount of time in years regardless of which one you pick, although one style may appear slower than the other to a beginners eye,
if learning weapons is a priority go for the silat/escrima otherwise go for the school with the best learning evironment (take a trial class at both)
Make sure source for the art is a reputable one.

Wing Chun,Silat,Arnis are arts known for producing competent fighters in a fair amount of time.

Any arts is going to give back the effort you put into point blank.

That being said, Arnis traditionally teaches weapons first,but depending on the school you might get empty hands along with the weapons training.

Silat teaches jurus(forms) and usually teaches empty hands first.

Wing chun teaches forms,but hey,there are only three !Trapping is there game but thir empty hand techniques are solid ones.
I would go with with the Kali/Silat/Arnis/Escrima. Judging by your post, it seems you favor that already, or at least, your leaning that way. If so, You'll enjoy training more.
I would have to say go w/ Guru Pannell in Dayton ohio...he's world classs and i hope you venture in to learning from his school and sikal methods


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