Wing Chun History Book question


Brown Belt
I happened to see a video about a book titled

The Creation of Wing Chun: A Social History of the Southern Chinese Martial Arts
by Benjamin N. Judkins and Jon Nielson.

I was just wondering if anyone had gotten a chance to read the book or had come across any other writings by these two authors that would give insight into the book or their perspective on Wing Chun history.
I've heard about it, but I've also heard that it's pretty pricey... like $90 from SUNY press, so I haven't bought it. Judkins has some interesting ideas, but he is an academic, formerly Asst. Prof. of Political Science at the U. of Utah, and not surprisingly writes in a pretty dry academic style. If you'd like a sample, check out his articles on Kung Fu Tea:

About Kung Fu Tea
I have the book and have skimmed through it. But I haven't read it yet. Its look pretty good, but as Steve said .... it is written in a pretty academic style. Judkin's articles on his blogsite are really good. But there you get the "academic" presentation in small bites. ;-)