Wii fitness games


Master of Arts
I well actually the wife got Wii fit and My fitness coach for the Wii.

The Wii fit cost about $90.

My fitness coach cost about $30.

The Wii fit focus on Yoga,Stepping,Balance,Running and a couple of other games.

My fitness coach has a great Aerobic workout,A Yoga routine,and strength building exercise.

The fitness coach also allows for custom workout with weights,exercise balloon(ball).

Both take measurements and track your fitness goal.

I found the Wii fit to be fun but not a very good workout.
The running in place did not seem to be worth wild.
The balance games are fun but not much there.

The Aerobic exercises in the My fitness coach is like being in Aerobic class. Very good exercise. The Yoga routine is also top notch.

I have not done the other routines yet but when I do I will post that as well.

All and all Amazon gives both great reviews but for those who are looking to get into shape and thought about using the Wii to do it I find My fitness coach to be the better choice. Just a heads up.
Yes I tried it and I was not that impress by it. My kids gor it from there grandparents.
I well actually the wife got Wii fit and My fitness coach for the Wii.
Since I bought my son a Wii for Christmas, I'll be interested to here about the Wii Fit and any other good Wii games as well.
He has Lego Star Wars, that game is cool. I'm kicking *** on it.
Since I bought my son a Wii for Christmas, I'll be interested to here about the Wii Fit and any other good Wii games as well.
He has Lego Star Wars, that game is cool. I'm kicking *** on it.

Rock Star is a great one and also the golf.
Any experience with the game by the Biggest Loser trainer?
My friend can barely walk from doing it. I personally think the lady on there is certifiably insane and won't buy it.

Since I bought my son a Wii for Christmas, I'll be interested to here about the Wii Fit and any other good Wii games as well.
He has Lego Star Wars, that game is cool. I'm kicking *** on it.

Heh! My kids call me the Lego Star Wars Nerd because I've almost finished Episodes IV, V and VI, working on the first three. Had those on the Xbox before, so they're a cinch (though I noticed some changes).

Wii Sport came with the machine and is all right, I guess. I started the boxing game at "Pro" level but when you box, you don't hold the remote and nunchuck like you would really hold your hands in boxing, so that sux.

What I really like is Links Crossbow. Apparently it's the official training program for ... something or other, I dunno - I kinda stopped paying attention to my brother-in-law after a couple of minutes. The old man is kicking butt at that one - I can't get on the thing to try it out!

So I did my Wii fitness age, but I don't remember what it was, I've bowled with family and a few friends, played Guitar Hero (damn, that's addictive) and boxed. That's ... about it.

Heard good things about the Wii Fitness Yoga program, good to hear it corroborated.
Since I bought my son a Wii for Christmas, I'll be interested to here about the Wii Fit and any other good Wii games as well.
He has Lego Star Wars, that game is cool. I'm kicking *** on it.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is a good game. Got to be careful not to hyperextend your elbow when using Force Push, though.
I finished Episode II today and am halfway through Episode III. On Christmas I bowled a 204, 90 or so points higher than what I bowl in real life. I just need a pitcher of beer... I thought about the Link's Crossbow but, then I saw this:
Which also shoots Nerf darts, doubling the fun (and the chances it will be broken :( )
We've talked about the Wii for exercise but haven't yet "pulled the trigger" on it! I'll be curious to hear what you think about it after a while.
Before I allowed my son to play with the Wii I told him the rules:
ALWAYS use the safety strap!!!
NEVER remove the silicone jacket!
When I buy a flat screen next month, it will be wall mounted a tad high, just to lessen the likelihood of it encountering the Wii remote.
We have a Wii and I love it (and the kids too...lol) I am not a fan of video games, only video games I ever played as a kid was Mario, Tetris, ans Sonic. My kids laugh at me trying to keep up with the music in Guitar Hero (for the PS2), but the Wii is cool. We have Boogie (a karaoke game) and me and the kids have a blast! Bowling is cool because I get to get up and move instead of sitting there doing thumb-aerobics. I do have a Wii fit, but haven't used it in months. When I first started exercising to get into shape, I loved the Wii fit and used it everyday, but now it is not enough...I only play it now adays for the fun of it...the balance games are fun! We have Links Crossbow and my aim really sucks and my kids think that is hilarious! But anyway...Wii is cool....went to a friends house for New Years Eve and we had 2 bowling tournaments....pretty neat.
My friend's wife has Wii Fit and is very upset with it and writing a letter to Nintendo.

See... it nags at her for gaining weight... and only asks her things like:

Is it because you over ate?

But doesn't let her say "Hello, I gained weight because I am pregnant!"

Actually, I like the wii fit. You're not going to be an olympic contender because of it, but I can get a decent sweat going between the Yoga, strength exercises and the super-hoola hoops (10 min at a time!). I like the motivational aspects, such as the way it tracks the body weight/BMI over time to let you see the results. I dislike that it asks my kids to "set goals" (which exists only in terms of pounds gained or lost), but like that it encourages them to get off the couch.

That said, I used it regularly for a few months, but not so much lately.

Other great games for the wii include Guitar Hero (getting addicted quickly after getting it for Christmas) and Raving Rabbids TV Party... best and silliest party game I've seen... and the only game that lets you play with your butt (need balance board for that one).

For very young kids (4-8), recommend Endless Ocean. Very noncompetetive game where you play a scuba diver exploring; you meet new species and "pet" them to learn about them, can populate a large seaworld-type aquarium, get different companions (dolphins and such), etc.
I recently bought Wii fit also. I love it so far. It has been overshadowed for a bit due to the more recent purchase of Rock Band, but all in all I think that it's an amazing game to get obese folks like myself back on track. I doubt that any seriously active folks would glean that much from it, but for people who are a bit more sedentary and want to change it works. I love the arobic exercises included, and I think that if I were to follow a routine based on several of the yoga and strength training exercises coupled with the balance and aerobic games I could get a decent workout.

As for other games that rock on the Wii... I highly suggest Rock Band, Wii Play, Okami, Raymans Raving Rabids and any of the Lego games; Star Wars, Batman, Indiana Jones etc.
I love playing on the Wii, it's so much fun, especially with a group of friends. The Wii Sports that comes with it isn't utterly realistic, but it's not meant to be; it's just good fun to have with friends and family. Plus, it's worth it when you beat your highly competitive and golfing-mad brother at a round of golf... lol

I think one of my favourite games for the Wii has to be Mario Kart Wii. Other essentials in my collection are Super Mario Galaxy, Lego Batman, The Legend of Zelda, Super Paper Mario, Okami and NHL 2k9.

I also like the fact you can download Classic Console games, as well as try out new games especially designed for the Wii through Wii Ware.

I don't own Wii Fit yet, but want a copy. It's been incredibly difficult to get hold of over here and I refuse to pay extra to have it bundled with crappy accessories (so the shop can make lots of extra £££ selling you stuff you don't want) or just simply to have to pay more for it on eBay simply because it is hard to find in the shops.

EDIT: forgot to mention the genius that is Guitar Hero!!
I also like the fact you can download Classic Console games, as well as try out new games especially designed for the Wii through Wii Ware.

That is really cool. I bought my wife Dr. Mario the other day. She has a blast kicking my butt in it. She has also gone online and played people.

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