What would you do?


Orange Belt
Lets say your were at a martial arts school at which you assist classes. Lets say your school has a falling out with the aassociation it belongs to. One of the high ranking instructors(equal rank with the owner) leaves in favour of staying with the association and phones you to let you know about the situation when nobody else will. Lets say he dosn't really know what hes going to do as far as opening a school etc. Would you leave the school and train privately with the Instuctor who left or would you stay with the school? just a question.
I would remain loyal to my Sabumnim and continue to train at his dojang. After all, he's the master who promoted me to Black Belt, and I began my MA training under him, not his associate. To me it's all about loyalty... :asian:
Loyalty yes.

But to which one would get you higher in rank and knowledge?

Which one has the better attitude and you enjoy their instruction?
There isn't enough info here. How did the split come about? Who, if anyone, is at fault? Who do you like more, your instructor or the associate who phoned you? Who offers the better over-all service in terms of training?
I think honestly that i made up my mind that i'm going with the association because i 1) like the nstructor whos staying with the association more and i generally feel he is a nicer person and follows the creed better 2)He offered to still assit me on the side for free even if i stuck with the school because he sees potential in me(no thats not new hes told me that before) 3) i'm limited in opertunities with my instructor he is only a 4th dan 4) at the new dojang of the loyal (to the association) instructor there will be increased oportunity for me to llearn about instructing as i will be the senior student as he has no instrest in trying to convert the other members of the dojang(he wants to be corteous and not attack the lively hood of my school's instructor) 5) i don't know who caused the problem as neither will tell me the school's instructor because he says i don't need to know his differences with the association and the loyal instructor says he dosn't want to cause any problems with the school but the both cite "policy issues" but the main reason i started this is to see how every one would react if that happened to them
i think arnisidor was talking about ppl who find themselves in the situation oh and keep answering with what you would do it might help a person who ends up in the same situation
I believe you answered your own question with logic and toughtfulness, I hope your journey will be one with the path of rightous and ethical journey.
dmdfromhamilton said:
i think arnisidor was talking about ppl who find themselves in the situation oh and keep answering with what you would do it might help a person who ends up in the same situation
So what you are saying is for those to keep replying in the event that someone else may add?
I was thinking of how often this comes up--on this site, and in general. One doesn't want to choose, but one must.
I just went through the same type of situation recently.

Old master retired now Soke..new master Shihon aient worth a nickle. In fact just about every B/B he had promoted left the system prior to him getting awarded the rank of Shihon. They appealed to the board to be assigned a new Sensei but the board refused. So they left.

My instructor the man who trained me to B/B retired and doesnt teach anymore.
The folks who now have schools..well most of them in my opinion dont have the experiance that I do. They now have schools. I went to visit them recently and I brought my son who I taught alone in my backyard with very little sparring experiance..and He outclassed them all including some of the upper ranked adults (hes all of 11 y.o.).

So the #3 instructor of that system broke away and sarted his own. Also I trained under him from B/B on as moved out of the area and he was trainig at another school/system which welcomed me there.

So I chose to go with him insteadof staying with my original system.

but the after everything I stated the bottom line main reasons for me leaving were.

1) the new shihon whose students left him ( now the students b/b very well) and

2) My instructor retireing.

So you definately have some decisions to make. They arent easy and once you make them you will get flak from the other folks who stay with them.

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