Master of Arts
So anyway this particular response is in direct response of what the OP said about being a Scoutmaster. This is a bit late but I am going to post it anyway. Pgsmith claims to have been a Scoutmaster and this is a quote from the original post.
If you're talking about a group of 20 or 30 teenage boys in Boyscouts, if they hope to go far in Boyscouts they can't have that attitude. Its people who think they know it all who in fact usually don't know much and will not learn much because they already "know it all," as far as they're concerned. As they say you need to empty your cup so you have room to take in more knowledge. Anyway, in Boyscouts being an Eagle Scout is hard. There is so much you need to know and so many skills you've got to acquire and you're not going to get an Eagle badge without years of hard work and there is tons of learning you've got to do to get there. Surely, somebody who thinks they know the entire sum of human knowledge will not be an Eagle Scout. So those 20 or 30 teenage boys you worked with in Boyscouts, I doubt any of them were Eagle Scouts and I doubt you will ever find an Eagle Scout with a know it all attitude, because you can't have that kind of attitude and fulfill that kind of achievement.
That was the sound of my entire original post flying right over your head.
However, this is an excellent example of exactly what I was talking about. You say you doubt any of them were Eagle Scouts. You also emphatically state that you can't have that kind of an attitude and fulfill that kind of achievement. These are pretty definite opinions on your part, things that I'd say you're pretty sure that you know. The reality is a little different than what you know however. Of those boys who were there when I first began my annual lecture on why it's important to understand other people's point of view, 12 of them went on to become Eagle Scouts. Four of them own their own businesses, three of them are now doctors, two are lawyers. As of my last count, 21 went on to graduate from college (there may be a few that didn't send me graduation notices).