Why should I vote for...

xianshino said:
lol....ok ok, you got me with the Rush "Freewill" quote. :)
Have you ever noticed the lyrics as Neil Peart wrote them are:

"if you choose not to decide, you can not have made a choice"

At least, that is how I recall seeing the lyrics on the liner notes of the album. I am so glad that when the actually recorded the song, they made the change they did.

One major question; is Georgia a contested state or is it a given that your state’s electoral votes are already going to Kerry or Bush? Unless Georgia is up for grabs, then your vote for a Bush or Kerry is meaningless exercise in futility.

I’m not fond of either candidate and Idaho’s electoral votes will go to Bush hence my vote is null. I figure the strongest message I can send is with a third party candidate. I’m leaning towards Nolan (Libertarian).

Assuming that Georgia is contested then I would urge you to put some serious thought into the issues. Ignore the shallow campaign ads and keep up on current events (beyond headline news).

Good Luck.

18 states to determine 2004 election
xianshino said:
Nowhere on this list is International Security or Foreign Policy!!!
Where were you people on 9-11-2001 ?
Thank God we had a man in office with backbone to take the fight to the terrorists.
I'm not going to say anymore on this subject because I'm sure the poster who originated it probably just wanted to start a flame war but i disagree with Mike, if you're not sure who to vote for then DON'T VOTE! Don't vote just to be voting, that's about the dumbest thing i've heard of.

And God bless America
Yeah just stay home, unless of course you think the military and legal system are our national security; then, I guess it would be OK. :asian:
Spud said:
One major question; is Georgia a contested state or is it a given that your state’s electoral votes are already going to Kerry or Bush? Unless Georgia is up for grabs, then your vote for a Bush or Kerry is meaningless exercise in futility.

I’m not fond of either candidate and Idaho’s electoral votes will go to Bush hence my vote is null. I figure the strongest message I can send is with a third party candidate. I’m leaning towards Nolan (Libertarian).

Assuming that Georgia is contested then I would urge you to put some serious thought into the issues. Ignore the shallow campaign ads and keep up on current events (beyond headline news).

Good Luck.
As a brief introduction into the 'Electoral College' nature of our Presidential election system, your statements should be considered seriously. But, I would be wary of placing any state, and its electors with any specific party. The map was very red in 1972. (Don't blame me, I'm from Massachusetts). I suggest that one should vote for whomever best matches their opinions on the issues. I don't think any vote is a meaningless exercise in futility. The 'parties' are watching and counting every vote to determine their platforms.

Also, seldom is the ballot only for a single race. The November ballot will also contain races for 435 congressmen, 33 (or 34) senators, countless local officials, and quite probably several 'ballot initiatives'. So, most importantly:



P.S. Thanks for the link.
Who would Bin Ladin vote for? Consider this: After 9/11 the entire world showed enormous goodwill and support for the people of the United States and outrage against Al Qeuda.

Under Bush, the US was response was predictable - invade the Middle East. Afghanistan was a first step, that riled up the hard cores in the region, and solidified Bin Ladin’s followers. Bin Ladin and his cronies kept up the rumblings that the US was only in the region for oil and power, wait a little. Boom, the US hits oil-rich Iraq and Bin Ladin’s prophecies come true. US support deteriorates worldwide, Iraq is in chaos, he’s got plenty of volunteers ready to go into Iraq and Afghanistan plus develop additional cells in Europe. Keep waiting for the Uncle Same to trip up (prisoner abuse scandal for one), reap the benefits of recruiting.

For many, the US has gone from beloved beacon of democracy suffering an unwarranted attacked by cowards to arrogant super power using unchecked military powers. Based on the current track record, I don’t think Bin Ladin would be too nervous about four more years of the current administration.
Ok first I was not intending to start a flame war although I was intending to start a debate. I guess it really does look like that and I must say again it wasn't at all my intent to start a flame war.
Next isn't Zell Miller the guy who heads the democrats for Bush or what ever it is. Maybe another person, I'm not really sre. Actually thats probably some one else so probably this comment makes me look like a fool.
Now as to Bush I am beginning to see him as a pit bull he bits down and doesn't let go. Thats alright some time suppose but the whole WMD thing is kind of annoying.

As to Kerry 'm not sure if I like him nough to want him in the white house then again 'the real question is who I dislike less if I choose to go sown that road.
The coting against alot of stuff can be due to some of the tag alongs asosiated with a bill. So the whole I voted for it then against it actually makes sense. The voting against the millitary stuff may make sense because of it. I don't know because I don't know what all was added to that stuff.

As to third party cadates will my vote be thrown away by voting for them probably is the biggest question there. At least I would have voted. People here seem to think I should vote so there would be that. I already plan to vote.
someguy said:
isn't Zell Miller the guy who heads the democrats for Bush
Yes. Zell Miller is a retireing Senator from Georgia. He is a big Bush supporter.

someguy said:
As to third party cadates will my vote be thrown away by voting for them probably is the biggest question there. At least I would have voted. People here seem to think I should vote so there would be that. I already plan to vote.
Will voting for a third party candidate be considered as 'throwing your vote away? I say 'No'. In the past, in this country, so called 'Third Parties', when they build enough momentum, are absorbed into one of the two existing polictical Parties.

If you strongly believe in the Libertarian position on the drug war, then vote for your local Libertarian party candidate. If a critical mass is reached by this 'Third Party', you will soon see 'anti-drug-war' democrats or republicans.

If you do not vote your conscience, then the positions held by 'Third Parties' will never be absorbed into the two pre-emminent political parties in our country.

You know what I am going to say next, right :



P.S. ... if you are thinking 'Third Party', don't forget the Libertarian Party is holding its National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia next week .... (May 27 - 31),

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