That's right, it's a inner wedging block then as we learn it.
Here's a handy site I sometimes use for revision... I know we've kinda hijacked the thread but i don't suppose Freestyler will complain!! heehee
Shall we open a thread in the TKD section?
Not a bad idea at all, Shaderon. I actually think there is a thread somewhere or other out there on Korean MA terminology... haven't been able to locate it yet, though.
Meanwhile, I think that a consensus of sorts has emerged amongst those who've responded to this post: MAs in general don't teach Zen because many of them don't originate in places where Zen is a component of the culture, and even in places where it is a component, the arts originating in those places are not dependent for their effective functioning—or maybe it's more accurate to say, practitioners are not dependent for their effective utilization of these arts—on Zen as a whole or particular tenets of Zen. As a result, instructors are not trained to deliver education in Zen as part of their skills in imparting the MAs in which they have expertise, and most would therefore be completely unable to present Zen competently, even if the clientele for their art wanted to know Zen.
I don't know that there's anything more that needs saying on this topic... have I left anything out?
So now, about those inner spread/wedging blocks... :wink1: