I have to disagree on that one, Ballen. Some things that are services to society as a whole are better done by the central authority rather than relying on the auspices of a private cartel.
The profit motive works well as an organising model for things that are not essential but is a very poor tool (unless you have enough money not to care) for provision of infrastructure services.
America's electricity supply network is a case in point (that being my area of professional expertise these days). It's appalling. Admittedly there is a vast area to cover but the lack of safety mechanisms or redundancy or reserve capacity was a real shock {yeah, electricity supply pun attack
!} to me when I first encountered it.
Britains Grid has decayed almost to inoperability thanks to being put into private hands by Thatcher - they have profit stripped for three decades and have not maintained the infrastructure or planned for future demand.
Such things need to be managed for provision of service, not for skimming of profit.