Why do You Practice in the Martial Arts?


White Belt
Apr 9, 2012
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I apologize if there is anything like this already existing in the forum but I have not seen anything of the sort.

I've been introspecting more than usual lately and came to the realization that I don't really know why I strive to better my fighting as much as I do. I know I take great enjoyment from it but I still don't know the answer to that. I figure that it doesn't really matter right now and the answer will come in due time and at the right moment.

This thought provoked a deep curiosity in me, though. Why do you all practice martial arts? Why did you start and why do you continue it? I'm interested in your story, as I'm sure many others are.
A few simple and typical reasons for me, but for me it's just a hobby done for enjoyment and I dont pretend it has any deep meaning.

I like the exercise
I like that in our school I am able to practice with two of my children, making it good quality family time
I like learning how to use my body effectively, from developing power to maintaining awareness and balance
In the beginning it was the mystique surrounding the arts, and the feeling that you had something tangible that was not well know to many. Once you have trained for awhile, you gain a love of the arts, and gratification plus fulfillment sets in..........
Now, you are compelled to share.
Because they don't make Methadone for the withdrawal symptoms.
Because I can't help it...

And, if I didn't practice and train... what would I be doing?
Question: Why do people of all shapes and sizes exercise? Be it weights, jogging, full contact sparring, fighting competitions, martial arts, rugby, football, and so on and so forth?

Because Humans happen to be into that kind of thing. Even if You look past the people who flock to do it, look at the audiences They generate. Take the UFC. Never mind the Fighters - Look at how many People go for the Pay Per View. It aint a small number. You dont need any reason other than that You want to be doing it. What exact System You do it in, is just Your choice of Outlet. The action itself is largely synonymous.
Just about every Country in the world has 'its' Martial Art or Fighting Form.
I could go on about this for a while.
because i had hit rock bottom with drug and alcohol addiction. i had one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel.

i needed something that would help me to get back in shape and get me to respect myself more.

through hard training and great friends i achieved that.

so to answer you question: i started to train to save my life and i continue to train because it saved my life. i hope to one day give back as much as i received.

For me it was to fulfill a childhood dream. It always seemed that one thing after another got in the way of my goal, or that I did not have enough ambition to even begin. Well, once everything lined up for me, the time, desire, right school, and great teacher, I began to fulfill my dream from many years ago. I do not stop for the same reason and because I just love it.
I began doing Taekwondo because of a friend. His father did the art a lot of years back and when he got back to it he took my friend with him. After a few months I went as well. I stayed because, besides the fact that it felt good to do some physical activity, there, I found another family. Over the years, the love for the art itself grew strong as well and all became a part of who I was and how I was.
Why do you all practice martial arts?

I enjoy the movements. I enjoy the teaching and sharing of knowledge. I have also made it part of my life.

Why did you start ?

To learn how not to break people. Yes it is true.

Most people start out for exercise or self defense. Some for sport. Others for ego.

For me, it was to learn how not to break people and send them to hospitals. In the end I learned that and how to send them there much more efficeintly as well. ;~)

Why do you continue it?

Part of a habit.
People will call it a hobby, but most people have that one hobby that goes further. They have rooms decoreated to it, they travel for it, they watch it on TV, or live events. They spend lots of money on it as it brings them happiness or a sense of self, or it allows them to center themselves. This one hobby that goes beyond is called a passion. Or well that is what I call it.
I apologize if there is anything like this already existing in the forum but I have not seen anything of the sort.

Because I feel alive when I do martial arts. It's a part of me, it's a part of my faith, it's a part of my view on life. I couldn't imagin not doing martial arts...
Originally it was because my dad made me. Then I wanted to be like the ninja turtles or the power rangers. Then I just wanted to learn self-defense to not be bullied. Then it was about learning to be confident and speak up for myself.

All in all, for me it is about learning how to control my own fear. Plus I've been doing it for so long that I have come to define myself by it.
Originally it was because my dad made me. Then I wanted to be like the ninja turtles or the power rangers. Then I just wanted to learn self-defense to not be bullied. Then it was about learning to be confident and speak up for myself.

All in all, for me it is about learning how to control my own fear. Plus I've been doing it for so long that I have come to define myself by it.
lol turtles and power rangers love it :D it's amazing how much shows from our youth inspired people :D I know some schools will actually try and promote when big shows or movies come out because it really does get kids motivated and interested in the arts. I know TMNT inspired me and my brothers too, I always wanted to be Leonardo. I can't remember all the shows from when I was young that inspired me, but there was alot. Even now when I watch a movie I want to get up and practice one of my forms. That's awesome you stuck with it though and it evolved for you :D
Because I feel something special about them..never can say what exactly.

I don't mean that there is some kind of "higher meaning or force..", rather something that can be perfectly rationally explained but I am not up to it.

Just know that I didn't feel nowhere same about soccer, sprint, or spear throwing, when I trained it.
It's one of the few activities that really enjoy doing. I love the way I feel after a good hard practice and I love the comradere both inside and outside of the class. I really didn't know what to expect after my very first class, but I was hooked ever since then and I hope to continue to actively practice as long as my body will let me.