Purple Belt
I see several posters wanted to be full-time teachers, but ended up in MA instead. Not a bad deal. For me, tho, other way around. Have been a teacher of worst of the worst kids (in most people's eyes) for almost 20 years. In the beginning, lots of freedom for teachers to help kids who might bring in any manner of baggage: from every imaginable abuse, to undiagnosed learning problems/needs, to homes with no father and mother a prostitute, to all older brothers and cousins and sometimes father and mother--even grandparents--in the neighborhood gang and kid had better be too, or else--and so forth. By about 2000, the pressure was really on educators to throw out everything but academics (hard to teach academics to a kid who hasn't eaten for 24 hours--and no, the county/state safety net doesn't care; or maybe they care, but just too overloaded to be effective).
Alright, too late to make a long story short, but I'll do better now. :uhyeah: Took up martial arts in early 90s to fulfull long-time interest and burn off stress. By the time public school teaching got to be a drag, had attained fairly senior position, and soon after began reaching those very kids I'd started out to help by teaching them martial arts after school. Starting to really catch on now.
Now, do I get an honorary Ph.D. for this dissertation? Hello?...anyone still there???? No, oh well I enjoyed telling it anyway.
Wow! that's pretty cool! I used to teach children with autism and that was fun! The ADHD children weren't as fun in the beginning, but after I learned how to switch and keep them moving every 60 seconds, it was fun for me. I love teaching children. They are one of my favorite bunches to teach. I love teaching adults as well...teens however are a whole different story. I didn't like them very much. Anyone else have problems with teens?