Why bother with the "Long Pole"?

Well some reasons for training the Long pole or Short swords is this. If you are in street fight an find a stick or tree branch some of the strength and skill you retained from the Pole form can be unleashed through your stick.
Also if your outside your home and some comes to you with a knife or baseball bat trying to attack you have an Nine foot pole could be useful...

Personally, I find my escrima training much more adaptable for self-defense with improvised weapons. Oddly, the long pole has actually done more to help my empty hands. It's improving my power and focus.

And, it's also been very useful in improving my skill in skimming the leaves off my poor old mom's swimming pool.
Heavy weapons make you work hard, they help develop your stances and rooting, develop your strength, and develop your power deliverance and endurance. Whether or not the weapon itself still has relevance in modern society, for these other reasons alone they are worth training.

Very good point. As also written And verified in the “Journal of Asian Martial Arts” volume 15 number 1 - 2006 Da Ganzi-long staff: "Here the staff should be white wax wood and more than 12-feet long. It can be held in one hand or both. Most exercises of the long staff are to develop shaking force. Da Ganzi is very helpful for integrating and coordinating whole body force. It can also be used for two-person practice”.
The same holds true for some of the old training implements of Okinawan GoJu which are also meant to strengthen specific areas, so as to enhance foundations of techniques.

I ain't scared to walk around town with Nine Foot Long Pole. Its great if some guy actually is foolish enough to try and mug you with a switch blade. Any body who pulls a knife on a man carriying a Nine foot pool has to be a fool. He deserves to be beaten. An If your attacker tries to run. I just skip foward an he is hit over and over again. Just one or two front steps. No where to run when the Nine foot pole comes a poking!

Check this guy out with his Long Pole Just Beautiful.



I think When I am old and Gray I will carry a Long Pole instead of walking stick.