Ali Rahim
Green Belt
Why Iron Palm? In the early days of Chang San- Feng the great hermit of Chi Kung, a lot of people were weak and sickly. And most of the monks were not able to stand up for a good fight. Chi theory and chi kung or iron palm were not applied to Chinese martial arts until the late Liang dynasty (502-557 A.D.) The monks use to easily break or hurt their hands during training, because of their weak bone marrow and bad blood flow to the hands. Iron palm is in the category of the Wai Dan chi kung, which strengthen the limbs.
Before you put the hands wash on or dit di jow. You should force the chi to your hand, by putting them in hot water. Try this out; just give your arm one good slap. You may feel a sting in the area of the slap and also a buzzing feeling, that buzzing feeling is chi coming to the rescue of the maybe damage area. And you will have a good buzzing feeling in your hands, when you pull them out of the water, and thats when the dit di jow is applied.
Well with the dit di jow when you buy it commercially, its never top grade, its sometimes having only half the herbs too make the batch complete. But thats ok if you know the right way to use it, far as preparation. Make sure you never wash your hands with any of type of hand wash. Stop the sink (drain), and stick your hands palm down, on the floor of the sink, then let the water raise up to your wrist or above the wrist, hot water that is.
And never dry your hand off with anything-just air dry. You do not want to contaminate your dit di jow, because its half grade anyway. If its in a squeeze bottle for commercial sales thats bad, but it doesnt mean you shouldnt buy it, just simply rap the bottle up in some type of rag and put it in a paper bag, and store it a in a dark place for at least 3 months in complete darkness. To give the batch complete darkness for that long it makes the jow ferment like wine, and thats very good. I do recommend finding a glass jar thats big enough to fit at least three fingers in, so two of them can reach the bottom.
Now when the fingers are wet with dit di jow you rub it around the wrist and the wrist bone, until it become slightly warm and do the same with each finger. And you must wet the two fingers for each application, the hands and fingers, wrists and elbows. My students and I use the 18 toastiest palm formula (dit di jow) which have 28 herbs in all. I teach my students to make it them selfs.
First thing you learn is how to sink your chi while in your stances. I know some of you must be saying what the h*ll is he keep taking about sinking your chi, (meaning calmness or strong root) what if someone runs up to you and throws you a beer and you catch it, would you open it right away, or what? I think you would wait until the contents of the can calms down, for whats inside is very restless. The same goes for the stances (you must uses wide stances of your choice) if you dont sink your chi before hitting the bags, you will cause all kinds of internal problems.
Because; the shock from striking the bags will bounce back on you. Now when hitting the bags for the first month, bring the striking hand up to collarbone level and drop the hand naturally with no force at all, this is too develop muscle memory and timing for each hand position or strikes that is in your iron palm drill, and at the same time developing chi in the hands or heavy hand development. Oh yeah you must use correct brethren techniques, which I wont go into right at this moment. Now the next month you bring the hands up to your solar plexus and use A little jing when striking, natural movements only. Developing close quarters heavy hand power. The third month do the same by bringing the hands up to the bellybutton, and drop the hand with total shen and jing control. Recommend qualified sifu by your side for the first month of training.
In month three, as you hit the bags with shen & jing control, your strikes should resemble a brick on a string. Picture this; a string tied around your body with a cement block, tied to the other end. When you throw the brick you will feel nothing, until the rope reach the end of the line. Then you will feel a natural jerk to the body. That is called nothing, nothing and sometime. Meaning the hands is nothing until the moment of impact.
But the question remains. How to Throw? Where the Throw generated. ... And how to control how deep the penetration....
Hitting the bags, as how to throw: first lets start with the height of the table. The table should be at dan tian level, only after you are in your stance (wide stance). So you are standing directly over the bags, while dropping the hands in a very relax but heavy hand kind of way. You focus on Jing & Shen. The throw generates clean through the bag its self. Once you get to a cretin level of iron palm the top of your iron palm table will seem moist & wet, where the chi as generated through the bags. With the three levels of penetration collarbone solar plexus and bellybutton, collarbone: first softness, solar plexus: second soft but yet with heavy hand ness, bellybutton: third with shen & jing. Explosiveness with chi energized muscle.
You will see every thing you need to see, by just hitting the bags correctly through repartition. Must be three kinds of bags, start of with sand for three months, then dry peas or beans, the kind that you buy in a plastic bag, put in iron palm bags three months. Hit the bags until peas or beans are all crushed. The last bag fill with daisy BBs hit for three months. Then you will be complete.
Before you put the hands wash on or dit di jow. You should force the chi to your hand, by putting them in hot water. Try this out; just give your arm one good slap. You may feel a sting in the area of the slap and also a buzzing feeling, that buzzing feeling is chi coming to the rescue of the maybe damage area. And you will have a good buzzing feeling in your hands, when you pull them out of the water, and thats when the dit di jow is applied.
Well with the dit di jow when you buy it commercially, its never top grade, its sometimes having only half the herbs too make the batch complete. But thats ok if you know the right way to use it, far as preparation. Make sure you never wash your hands with any of type of hand wash. Stop the sink (drain), and stick your hands palm down, on the floor of the sink, then let the water raise up to your wrist or above the wrist, hot water that is.
And never dry your hand off with anything-just air dry. You do not want to contaminate your dit di jow, because its half grade anyway. If its in a squeeze bottle for commercial sales thats bad, but it doesnt mean you shouldnt buy it, just simply rap the bottle up in some type of rag and put it in a paper bag, and store it a in a dark place for at least 3 months in complete darkness. To give the batch complete darkness for that long it makes the jow ferment like wine, and thats very good. I do recommend finding a glass jar thats big enough to fit at least three fingers in, so two of them can reach the bottom.
Now when the fingers are wet with dit di jow you rub it around the wrist and the wrist bone, until it become slightly warm and do the same with each finger. And you must wet the two fingers for each application, the hands and fingers, wrists and elbows. My students and I use the 18 toastiest palm formula (dit di jow) which have 28 herbs in all. I teach my students to make it them selfs.
First thing you learn is how to sink your chi while in your stances. I know some of you must be saying what the h*ll is he keep taking about sinking your chi, (meaning calmness or strong root) what if someone runs up to you and throws you a beer and you catch it, would you open it right away, or what? I think you would wait until the contents of the can calms down, for whats inside is very restless. The same goes for the stances (you must uses wide stances of your choice) if you dont sink your chi before hitting the bags, you will cause all kinds of internal problems.
Because; the shock from striking the bags will bounce back on you. Now when hitting the bags for the first month, bring the striking hand up to collarbone level and drop the hand naturally with no force at all, this is too develop muscle memory and timing for each hand position or strikes that is in your iron palm drill, and at the same time developing chi in the hands or heavy hand development. Oh yeah you must use correct brethren techniques, which I wont go into right at this moment. Now the next month you bring the hands up to your solar plexus and use A little jing when striking, natural movements only. Developing close quarters heavy hand power. The third month do the same by bringing the hands up to the bellybutton, and drop the hand with total shen and jing control. Recommend qualified sifu by your side for the first month of training.
In month three, as you hit the bags with shen & jing control, your strikes should resemble a brick on a string. Picture this; a string tied around your body with a cement block, tied to the other end. When you throw the brick you will feel nothing, until the rope reach the end of the line. Then you will feel a natural jerk to the body. That is called nothing, nothing and sometime. Meaning the hands is nothing until the moment of impact.
But the question remains. How to Throw? Where the Throw generated. ... And how to control how deep the penetration....
Hitting the bags, as how to throw: first lets start with the height of the table. The table should be at dan tian level, only after you are in your stance (wide stance). So you are standing directly over the bags, while dropping the hands in a very relax but heavy hand kind of way. You focus on Jing & Shen. The throw generates clean through the bag its self. Once you get to a cretin level of iron palm the top of your iron palm table will seem moist & wet, where the chi as generated through the bags. With the three levels of penetration collarbone solar plexus and bellybutton, collarbone: first softness, solar plexus: second soft but yet with heavy hand ness, bellybutton: third with shen & jing. Explosiveness with chi energized muscle.
You will see every thing you need to see, by just hitting the bags correctly through repartition. Must be three kinds of bags, start of with sand for three months, then dry peas or beans, the kind that you buy in a plastic bag, put in iron palm bags three months. Hit the bags until peas or beans are all crushed. The last bag fill with daisy BBs hit for three months. Then you will be complete.