Who's Who?

Well, here's a few. Last saturday at Sijo Emperado's annual birthday tournament in Las Vegas, Gary Forbach, Eric Lee, Henry Mandac, Al Dacascos (not pictured) and Bill Ryusaki, were promoted to 9th degree Grandmaster. Also pictured with Bill Ryusaki is Grandmaster Ted Sotelo.

There is a "Who's Who" section at the www.kajukenbocafe.com with about 60+ biographies on the Professors (8th degree), Grandmasters (9th degree) and founders of Kajukenbo.

Also Sifu Kailee Wong (4th degree) is a starting linebacker for the Houston Texans #52. He has 10 students playing in the NFL. Five with the Houston Texans, and five with his former team, the Minn. Vikings. And of course Mark Dacascos is doing Ok in films, while Chuck Liddell is holding his own in MMA competition.
Very cool. Do all of these people fall within the same group or is there sub groups like in the Kenpo community.
Rob Broad said:
Very cool. Do all of these people fall within the same group or is there sub groups like in the Kenpo community.
Kajukenbo has 4 major styles, "Original Method/Kenpo", "Chuan Fa", "Won Hop Kuen Do", and "Tumpai". Within these styles are sub-systems.
Al Dacascos and Eric Lee are from the "Won Hop Kuen Do" branch.
Kailee Wong would be from the "Chuan Fa" branch. Chuck Liddell is from a sub-system of the "Original Method".
Rob Broad said:
Thanks for all the information.

What is the belt structure you system of Kajukenbo.
Color belts: white, yellow, orange, purple, blue, green, brown.

Black Belts: Student Black (plain black), 1,2,3,4th degrees (black with red bars for each degree), 5th degree (Black with red trim

Red Belts: 6th degree (half red, half white), 7th degree (half red, half black), 8th degree (red with black trim), 9th degree (red with silver trim), 10th (red with gold trim).

student black = Sibak
1-5th degrees = Sifu
6 & 7th degrees = Sigung
8th degree = Professor
9th degree = Grandmaster
(only one Sr. Grandmaster)
10th degree = Sijo (Founder)

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