Who's Nastier?

I realize that "You shameless, lying little ****", while amusing to hear, is inflamatory.

What I felt was inflammatory was falsely trying to convince one poster that another poster was calling him a racist. If someone did that to me in real life, I wouldn't calmly and politely explain their misunderstanding, especially if they had done similar multiple times before.

It's interesting that intemperate language seems to draw all the ire, while repeated lying, disingenuosness, and shameless double standards and the ignoring of evidence passes mostly without comment.
Fair enough, Empty Hands. Although I'd like to offer a contrary position forwarded by one of my original senseis.

"It's not about how they act. It's about how you act." Why would you let poor research and questionable behavior on the part of others control the way you behave? Are they really worth giving them so much control over your head space?

I don't mean to come down like I'm all high and mighty -- I've been guilty of it too. But it's worth thinking about, yes?

While this is a nice ideal, as a former registered Democrat (that doesn't mean I registered Republican), I feel compelled to point out that listening to the cacophony of rightist banter (let's face it, conservative radio beat out liberal radio both in inception AND in ratings) it is difficult to witness the withering testicles of the left. For years, they rolled their eyes at the ridiculousness of rightist shock-talk and tried to "be the bigger person." To watch them continually getting whipped by the right with no response whatsoever is just ... disappointing.

There is a perceived difference between these 2 statements:
"I think you're wrong"
"You're a ****ing liar."

Also, one of these two statements will express disbelief, the other generate a report and a warning:
"I disagree with your position and find it hard to believe your data"
"You're ****ing crazy, you know that?"

...the Cons were overwhelmingly more likely to start a thread attacking Liberals in general (which isn't a personal attack, exactly). Of the 20 threads, 11 opened with a "dig" at the other side, and 7 of those were started by a self-professed conservative.

The problem is that we DO all tend to take it as a "personal attack". Thats the real reason people just HAVE TO jump in to threads they declare as "mud slinging" and decry the Study as such a BAD BAD place IMHO. They think that an attack on cons or libs IS the equivalent of a personal attack.
The problem is that we DO all tend to take it as a "personal attack". Thats the real reason people just HAVE TO jump in to threads they declare as "mud slinging" and decry the Study as such a BAD BAD place IMHO. They think that an attack on cons or libs IS the equivalent of a personal attack.

Actually, I really don't. When someone calls me a liar? Or hysterical? Because they don't agree with me? Yeah, THAT'S a personal attack. And it's my personal opinion that people like that don't belong in the study. Period.

But that is ... My Opinion.
Yet look at all the people who will take the time to read and respond (with the "tsk" "tsk" style responses) to threads that they already know are going to be partisan before they open them. WTF? Am I the only person who thinks its a case of "the lady doth protest too much"? When people always seem to get involved in threads just to complain about those types of threads it smacks of a passive aggressive method of trying to shut down opinions they dont politically like. I respect the people who participate passionately about their beliefs (even if I don't like them) more than I do the wishy washy "this is why I dont like the study" responses.
Naw, we're considering going to a 3 warning, lose study access for 30 days policy. 1st time is 30 days, 2nd is 60, 3rd is permanent. This is a 3-warning, not 3-infraction, like the current policy. 2012 is going to be a hotbed, and we really don't feel like repeating 2008. I might ban myself early just to be safe.

So, do we get to sign up for this, or do I have to go ahead and insult three people first? ;)
Naw, we're considering going to a 3 warning, lose study access for 30 days policy. 1st time is 30 days, 2nd is 60, 3rd is permanent. This is a 3-warning, not 3-infraction, like the current policy. 2012 is going to be a hotbed, and we really don't feel like repeating 2008. I might ban myself early just to be safe.

OK Here's the plan, we start an arguement and report each other to you... and...wait... that won't work...ummmm... oh the heck with it just ban me to
All still much better than:
"What the **** are you smoking? That's some pretty good **** you gotta be doing to believe corn **** **** like that!"