Wholesale Food Program


Senior Master
I have been meaning to post this here.
There is a wholesale food program that is hosted by churches nationwide called Angel Food. It is a wholesale program, not a charity or welfare thing.

Every month, you basically get about $50 of food for $25. The menu changes every month, so you have to go to the website to see the menu for the month. Here is this month's list:

(6) 5 oz. Bacon-Wrapped Beef Filets
(1) 1.5 lb. Boneless Pork Roast
(1) 2 lb. Fully Cooked Frying Chicken
(1) 2 lb. Salsbury Steak Entree
(1) 2 lb. Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breast
(1) 1 lb. Flame-Broiled Meatballs
(1) 16 oz. Bean Soup Mix
(1) 26 oz. Pasta Sauce
(1) 16 oz. Pasta
(1) 7.5 oz. Mac & Cheese
(1) 24 oz. French Fries
(1) 16 oz. Green Peas & Carrots
(1) 15 oz. Diced Bartlett Pears
(1) 14 oz. Peanut Butter
(1) 8 oz. Pancake Mix
(1) Dessert Item
(1) 7 oz. Brown N Serve Sausage

That is one "Unit" of food, which is $25. You can buy more than one unit if you like. I have been doing it for two years and found that two units can feed my family for a month. I buy it almost every month, but occasionally skip a month if I don't see a lot that I like. I have bought three units on good months, though.

Also, if you buy a unit, then you can buy special add on packs.
Here are the add ons for this month:


10 lb. Box Popcorn Chicken - $16.00

5 lb. Combo Box - $18.00
(4 8-oz. Ribeyes, 2 lb. Beef Back Ribs, 1 lb. Italian Sausage)

12 lb. 4-4-4 Special (4 meals serves 4 each) - $18.00
(Beef Stew, Chicken Fajitas, Seasoned Pork Chops & Rice, Chicken Alfredo)

(sorry it went bold, I cut and pasted)......

If you want a list of churches that do it and the current menu, click here:

Like I said, I have been doing it for two years, and I HIGHLY recommend it if you want to save some money.

I've seen this program elsewhere, and I've wondered about it... living alone, however, I'm not sure it would work for me, and looking at some of the packages, there are always a couple of things in the pack I don't eat - and while I've considered donating those items to a food bank, they are often perishable items; in this pack, for example, the sausages, which I just don't really like. Any ideas about this issue with this program?
Yes this is a great program and it does every community greatness, just my opinion.
Thanks for being this to the limelight
I've seen this program elsewhere, and I've wondered about it... living alone, however, I'm not sure it would work for me, and looking at some of the packages, there are always a couple of things in the pack I don't eat - and while I've considered donating those items to a food bank, they are often perishable items; in this pack, for example, the sausages, which I just don't really like. Any ideas about this issue with this program?

Even if you throw out a few things (which I have done), it still is a great deal. Recently, my neighbor and I started a trade deal where she gives us the things that she does not want and we do the same. It is an informal trade, but it works out great for both of us.
If you are worried about the perishable items being good, I have never had a problem. At the church I use, the items come straight off the truck and I pick them up within an hour or two.
I heard about the program originally on a radio station, then found out that six or seven local churches offer it. I am completely happy with the deal I am getting.

Sorry, I wasn't clear - I'm not worried about the perishable items not being good, just that they can't be donated to most food banks because they are perishable.

Thanks... I've been thinking about it, and might mention it to my neighbor down the street; maybe we could work out an exchange deal like you have with your neighbor - one of the churches involved is about 2 blocks away.


Or... apparently not; I know I've seen this before, and I thought they delivered to the church up the street... but Colorado's not even on the list... oh well...

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