Who Wrestled in High School?

I did it for a year. It wasn't a school sponsored team, but rather a group that did it for inner city kids.

Match I remember most was with a big guy. We didn't have real strict weight classes, and he had at least 30 pounds on me and I'm not small. I was in no danger at all, I just could not get him pinned. So I used some explosive speed, my body weight, and a bit of gravity to knock the wind out of him. Course, he was already on the ground when I did it. Then I did the same move two more times. I still won on points, but my coach wasn't real happy. Called it unsportsmanlike conduct.

Ahhh, youth.

I'm a much more dirty fighter now.
I live in georgia and wrestling is pretty big here.
I wrestled my 8th and 9th grade year. 8th grade was the most fun year of my life due to wrestling because i had a great coach moving up into highschool i had an awful coach. We were encouraged to cut weight like crazy my highschool coach said how much do you weigh? i answered 116 he said good you can wrestle 103..and i did. Once you get the feel for wrestling it becomes a very enjoyable sport, during the off seasons you will miss it dearly
I'm currently in highschool an anxiously awaiting the start of my senior season. I've wrestled at 62 kilos most of highschool usually cutting from about 64 kilos. Cutting weight is allot more of a science now I think and it's done in allot safer more monitored ways. Saunas and sweat suits are now banned entirely in highschool wrestling.

I enjoy wrestling so much more than football. I have very good coaches and they're really encouraging and not negative coaches at all. Football coaches yelled and got down on you and bag ran you and all that stuff but wrestling you worked hard every day and that's the way it is. It's a super friendly awesome team and I enjoy it allot. If things go right I'll be one of our captains this year. Wrestling seems like sport where the presure is totally different than football or other team sports. When you're in the ring no one is counting on you and you aren't counting on anyone, the only person that's going to win is you. I really enjoy wrestling. Sure cutting weight kind of sucks but I never feel unhealthy or anything when I do it. The fitness is sure awesome too. I really learned how to work at wrestling more than at football or anywhere else really.
I wrestled in middle school, like my 6th grade year, and then my high school started a wrestling program my junior year. We had, at most, about 5 active members. I was lightest at 135, and then we had a 171, a 189, a 215, and 275er. Mostly we sucked, but I loved it. Never came in higher than 3rd at a tourney, and then only small ones. Meets we could never do because of our team size, and the larger tournaments meant the larger schools would show up.

Never been in better shape. Ran 5 miles a day, plus the workout, plus practice. I miss that... the shape, I mean. Maybe the running, just a little. :)

That background makes me the de facto "throwing guy" around our school, though.
wrestled 3 years for my highschool. I grew up in southern ohio and wrestling was decently big there. It's helped quite a lot in my MMA training just being familiar with how to roll on the ground and teching you some basic techniques.
This is a true story of what happened to me. I was in high school and was on the wrestling team. One day before wrestling pratice me and another team mate were wrestling freestyle. He got behind me and grabbed me around the waist. He picked me up to throw me to the mat. When he did I put my arm out to try and brace the fall. When I did this the impact of the throw/slam popped my elbow out of place. My arm was bending backwards. I immediately grabbed my arm in pain and started screaming, then I passed out in pain. The next thing I remember was waking up in the emergency room with a nurse putting a cast on my arm. Thats when I found out that I put the elbow back in place myself and then passed out. The doctors said I was lucky because the longer it's out place the more chance their is for damage to the ligaments & tendons.
The first year I wrestled was my senior year in high school (This year, I am still a senior). My biggest Regret was not wrestling earlier. I love it.
Wrestled 6 years. 4 years collegiate style and 2 years freestyle. After that I assistant coached for another 2 years at my high school. I can't say I was great but I was good. Took League in the 275lb class while only weighing 216. At the time, weight classes went from 189 straight to 275.
I'd say one of the most memorable moments was when Frank Shamrock came to one our freestyle practices and I got to wrestle him. Don't bother asking how that went...you already know. Its a strange experience when you're getting your butt whooped but at the same time thinking "This is the coolest!"
I started wrestling in sixth grade and found out I was a natural. I competed all the way through high school, making captain of my team with another of my classmates both junior and senior years. I then went to Iowa State University and decided to take my freshman year away from the sport, a decision I have kicked myself for every day since because I ended up leaving the school after my first semester because of my grades. I am now trying to get back into competition in freestyle but this is difficult because I am out to sea all the time and getting to practice consistently is impossible because there are no mats on the ship.

My favorite thing about wrestling is how the best wrestlers are not the cookie cutter, well rounded guys with nothing special. but instead they are the guys who stand out, have thier move, something they are recognized for. I was known for my unpredictability, my co-captain could hit a low single as fast as anyone in the smith family, and out friend James had a body that must have been made of rubber.
I started wrestling when I was six. I wrestled all the way up until I was 14, then I broke my hip in football.

Its almost funny, we were working throws in taekwondo not too long ago, and I actually blocked the throw just out of habit, like I used to use in wrestling.
I started wrestling when I was six. I wrestled all the way up until I was 14, then I broke my hip in football.

Its almost funny, we were working throws in taekwondo not too long ago, and I actually blocked the throw just out of habit, like I used to use in wrestling.

That is funny, throws in Tae Kwon Do.
I wrestled all 4 years in high school at the 160 pound division. We weren't allowed to wear sweat bags to loose weight but our coach said if he didn't see em' then we could use em'. So we wore them under our sweat shirts. My senior year I wrestled at 170 pound division. Wrestling was the hardest sport I ever did but I was also in the best shape of my life. We started our practice with about 4 or 5 mile run then we did calasthenics(sp?), things like neck bridges, push ups, sit up, jumping jacks, sprawls, jog in place for a minute then hit the mat, etc....Then we wrestled for an hour and a half.

When I tested for my black sash it was easy because I was in great shape from wrestling. I tested when I was 17 and was still wrestling. I would get out of wrestling practice at about 7:00 every night and then go straight to Kung Fu class and work out 2 hours there (8:00 to 10:00).

When wrestling season wasn't going on I did kung fu every night from about 6:30 to 10:00.

Those were the good ole' days.
I went to a couple wrestling camps when I was in high school. The first one I went to was at Ohio State wretling camp back in I think it was 1989. One of the assistant instructors there at that time was Mark Coleman (who later went on to fight in the UFC). He was wrestling for Ohio State at that time. Then in 1990 I went to Clarion University in Clarion, Penn. One of the assistants at that camp was Kurt Angle who was going to school there at the time and was wrestling for Clarion University. Of course Kurt went on to win the Olympic gold medal in wrestling and then went on to be the WWE champion and the TNA-Wrestling champion. Both these guys taught sessions at camp on takedowns. If I'd known they were going to go on to be great stars like they did I would have listened to them a lot more than I did.
Wrestling got me started in martial arts. I wrestled from 5th grade to my sophmore year in college. It helped make me the person I am today. In the Lansing Michigan area wrestling is a big deal and most of the better athletes in our high school were wrestlers. I took my first Judo class to help improve my throws for free style wrestling and Greco. I had a great fall this last year since my two boys 5 and 8 wrestled in their first tournament, one took first and the other took 2nd. I ran into old friends, coaches, and parents who were now grand parents of wrestlers from my hight school years at the tournament. I had forgotten what a large family the wrestling community is and how much fun I used to have. I really have to watch my pushing the boys but Im proud to say that they were the ones who suggested that they start wrestling. I can also say I got the chance to learn from Dan Gable at a camp at Olivet college. I learned an inside switch that I used to win more than one match from him.
Wrestling got me started in martial arts. I wrestled from 5th grade to my sophmore year in college. It helped make me the person I am today. In the Lansing Michigan area wrestling is a big deal and most of the better athletes in our high school were wrestlers. I took my first Judo class to help improve my throws for free style wrestling and Greco. I had a great fall this last year since my two boys 5 and 8 wrestled in their first tournament, one took first and the other took 2nd. I ran into old friends, coaches, and parents who were now grand parents of wrestlers from my hight school years at the tournament. I had forgotten what a large family the wrestling community is and how much fun I used to have. I really have to watch my pushing the boys but Im proud to say that they were the ones who suggested that they start wrestling. I can also say I got the chance to learn from Dan Gable at a camp at Olivet college. I learned an inside switch that I used to win more than one match from him.

Yeah, wrestling was a blast. I know we all had a lot of fun with wrestling. My first time away from home was to wrestling camp at Ohio State. The coach for them was Russ Heckerson. First time away from home was great. There was a high school girls softball camp staying in the dorm across from the dorm us wrestlers were staying in. Boy those were the good ole' days. We wrestlers would sneak over to thier dorm at night. My best friend got caught in thier dorm and had to run the steps FIVE times of the Ohio State Stadium. Up to the top and down to the bottom was one time. He was about killed when he got done. He had a choice of running the steps or go home with no refund.
The summer before my senior year we went to a camp at U of M and they had a cheer leader camp at the same time. Thought we had gone to heaven. Couldnt believe they were silly enough to have both camps at the same time. My high school coach was there with us he just shook his head and told us to not get caught cus he would send us home if we did. Best camp I ever went to.
Yeah.....lol.....you'de think that they would be smarter than to put a high school boys wrestling camp next to any type of all girl camp. Thats asking for trouble. Thats like waving candy in front of a 2 year old.....lol. A bunch of high level male testostrone boys and a bunch of cute little naive high school girls....oh boy.

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