Who should be next?

Rob Broad

Master of Arts
MTS Alumni
Dec 12, 2003
Reaction score
Sarnia , Ontario, Canada
We have a thread on who has the best Kenpo videos, and that is all fine and dandy. My new question is who hasn't produced videos but should.
Honestly that is a very tough question lol! I hazard to guess we should be looking at the 7th and 8th Dan levels. I honestly would have to say maybe one of our very own MT Kenpo Seniors such as Dennis Connatser or Frank Trejo.

Come on Guys get busy and break out those Camcorders turn on the lights and make Kenpo videos.
Mark Weiser said:
Honestly that is a very tough question lol! I hazard to guess we should be looking at the 7th and 8th Dan levels. I honestly would have to say maybe one of our very own MT Kenpo Seniors such as Dennis Connatser or Frank Trejo.

Come on Guys get busy and break out those Camcorders turn on the lights and make Kenpo videos.
Frank Trejo is not a member of Martial Talk.

DarK LorD
Actaully Frank Trejo and Dave Hebler are both joining MT they will be contribuing in the Ask The Seniors forum for supporting members.
Absoultely WOnderful News. Getting out pad and paper to write down questions. This is almost as good as attending a Seminar. Come on folks get your questions ready
I would love to see some by the Doc.....

Some of us live in other states and unfort. arent able to travel to the college for training and it would be nice to see some further enlightment from him on a few things...............

Chicago Green Dragon

Mark Weiser said:
Absoultely WOnderful News. Getting out pad and paper to write down questions. This is almost as good as attending a Seminar. Come on folks get your questions ready
Yes, great news! Good point... it is almost as good as a seminar--via the written word.

- Ceicei
Good news...I might have to dole out 12 Washingtons pretty soon. Not that MT isn't worth it already :p
Chicago Green Dragon said:
I would love to see some by the Doc.....

Some of us live in other states and unfort. arent able to travel to the college for training and it would be nice to see some further enlightment from him on a few things...............

Chicago Green Dragon

I feel your pain X 5 I live in Hawaii.

Dark Kenpo Lord said:
Frank Trejo is not a member of Martial Talk.
DarK LorD
Go to the Membership list and look up Frank Trejo's Profile.


I guess the Dark Lord is not as up on things as he thinks he is......
Dark Kenpo Lord said:
Like it really matters on the internet, it's on the mats that count.

DarK LorD
Why get pissy about it? He was right, you were wrong.
I like seeing the subtle and not so subtle differences in the techniques as demonstrated by the different seniors. I learn a lot from these differences and similarities. Therefore I would like as many seniors as possible to do technique and form tapes.

Specifically I would like,

1. Mr. Planas to do Technique tapes
2. Mr Wedlake to do Forms tapes
3. Mr White to do sparring tapes
4. Mr. Trejo to do tapes on freestyle
5. Mr Palanzo to show how he adapted the art to a smaller body
6. Doc Chapel to show at least an intro to his sub level 4
7. Mr Pick to show his approach to EPAK and more specifically his knife work
8. Mr Dye showing haw he uses regulation to adjust techniques
9. Mr. Chavies demonstrating his approach to freestyle

Of course I would like to see tapes by others and the specific mention of names above is not meant to slight anyone else.



Mr Bob White does have a tape out on sparring. Its very basic though. It has a couple of guys I know on it Jeff Newton (who I met when he was a yellow belt but went on to become one of the best point B/B fighters in the country, Jim Mc Clure, who was a very very good fighter and Jamie Mathews who still is on the circuit and training students for Mr. White.

Personally I really like Mr. Whites focus on Kempo s/d techniques, very powerful execution.
OC Kid said:

Mr Bob White does have a tape out on sparring. Its very basic though. It has a couple of guys I know on it Jeff Newton (who I met when he was a yellow belt but went on to become one of the best point B/B fighters in the country, Jim Mc Clure, who was a very very good fighter and Jamie Mathews who still is on the circuit and training students for Mr. White.

Personally I really like Mr. Whites focus on Kempo s/d techniques, very powerful execution.
I like Mr. Whites tape but feel that he has so much more to offer.

I forgot the other series of tapes that I would like. The IKCA put out a 2 tape sparring tape which I found to be interesting and a lot of fun. I wish that a EPAK series like that tape could be put out using instructors from other schools. I also wish that tapes of competition could be released with voice over from masters such as Trejo and white commenting on the action.

yea Doc I agree he does. His website says he is coming out with a series of tapes. I wish He'd hurry up. heck he's so close to me I wish I could find the time to get over to his school and train like I used to.