Who Killed The Electric Car?


Senior Master
I saw this last weekend:


A fairly good Wiki review:


We have the technology now to produce affordable electric cars that will go over 300 miles on a single overnight charge. They're low maintenance, required no filter or oil changes, and have no transmissions. The cost of driving one is equivalent to sixty cents per gallon, as it were.

The movie mentioned that 24% of California school children had lung lesions from air pollution. This car would have cured that.

And the car companies killed them.

I want one. I'd save over $4,000 in gas costs alone if I drove the thing for sixty thousand miles. I'd save on maintenance. They're peppy, and take off like a cheetah. I'd get a $4,000 dollar tax credit (though if I buy a Hummer I'd get a $20,000-$100,000 tax credit...go figure.)



The oil companies. They have the monopoly, charging ridiculous prices and getting it! People complain, but, still keep filling up. As long as billions are being made, with record profits, forget about those kind of cars.
I heard about this movie a few months ago on NPR.

The way GM pulled the leases (they never gave up ownership) off all the cars then destroyed them was kinda weird.

Who? Same people that sequestered the guy who figured out how to make a safe Hydrogen fuel (read: Water) for cars and other things to run on...

Oil companies and the automobile manufacturers who stand to (continue) to make BILLIONS off of us cows/sheep.

You know they're snickering and giggling in their board rooms watching US pay the $3.00 + per gallon. All we have to do is refuse to do so for a whole day ... 1 whole day and they'll lose a lot of money. .... but it won't happen.

So ideas like this that will save our money, economy, environment and everything else that fossil fuels are ruining.... will get lost in the files of the Twilight Zone of Big Oil's locker.
The big oil companies don't drill the oil any more, they just resell what comes up in Venezuela, Saudia Arabia, etc... What they *do* have is a massive distribution infrastructure and te knowledge of how to us it.. If another energy source came along, they would be the *first* to jump on it because they would be in the best position to take advantage of their infrastructure and knowledge to make a profit on it (and they would be tickled if they could control prduction as well)