Who is going to see 300?


Crazy like a...
MT Mentor
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MTS Alumni
Jan 16, 2006
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Anyone planning on seeing it? Or, have you seen it already?

No spoilers, please :D
I plan to see it! I'm curious to see how well they do combining the visual effects with the actual history.

Every time a new historical epic comes out, I'm anxious to know if they were accurate or not.
i plan on seeing it

3 people i know have and they say it rocks

Its not accurate, and is based on the comic remember ........... ;-)

I'm not sure. Thermopylae is a great story. Frank Miller can be a good writer. It's still not clear if this is going to be a good telling or just an opportunity for CGI effects. If it is, nah.
It is going to be presented on an IMAX theater in Reading Mass - at Jordan's furniture, - so that is probably where I will see it.

Sin City was a pretty gruesome film. This looks like it will be even more so.

Despite that, it is on the list.
You know I want to see it for the special effects and the
story of the 300 Spartans is a great one. So I am hoping
to catch it in the next week or so.
The movie isn't historically accurate and it is bloody. The fight scenes are very dramatic and you do get a sense of the story through them. However, the sheer amount of blatent propaganda crammed into every corner of this movie (hell, every symbol!) gets really old.

After a while it seemed like one of those Marine or Army recruitment commercials (you know, the fantasy ones) except that this one went on for two hours.

Seven dollars well spent?

Well, I think that I will be able to enjoy it more knowing that it is complete fantasy. The ones that are close to being historically accurate have me questioning and scrutinizing it. If it is nowhere close....much easier to enjoy.

I definately will like the visuals and blood though!

Now, how could I resist that? :)

Also, upnorthkyosa, do you mean propaganda in the sense of pro-war, pro-martial values? If that is the case, then I would see that "propaganda" as entirely fitting given the real historical values of the Spartan people. Not every movie and every ancient value system should be read by modern sensibilities and perceived as a modern commentary IMO.
I'm going to see it, though I was disappointed to see that they turned it into a fantasy. I wasn't aware of the Frank Miller graphic novel, and was hoping for something more like Gates of Fire.
After Braveheart, Last Samurai, Kingdom of Heaven, Troy, Flyboys, Pearl Harbor, et al, I no longer worry if Hollywood movies will be historically accurate. I just watch for entertainment value.
Troy was actually truer, in a number of ways, than most of the historical dramas coming out of Tinseltown. Unless people don't mind the thread getting mildly hijacked I'll keep quiet about them here.

Now, how could I resist that? :)

Also, upnorthkyosa, do you mean propaganda in the sense of pro-war, pro-martial values? If that is the case, then I would see that "propaganda" as entirely fitting given the real historical values of the Spartan people. Not every movie and every ancient value system should be read by modern sensibilities and perceived as a modern commentary IMO.

Im waiting for the "its a symbolic representation of evil "American" values" any moment now. Wait for it.
I have to say that Kreth's point is the one that most mirrors my own position.

As for propoganda? I can't speak for a movie I've not seen yet but, in general terms, in times when governments needed it to, then cinema has been a most pliable string to the opinion-shaping-bow.
I plan to see it when I go down for our convention weekend in Cape. I have talked with others. They say it rocks. Sorry, If I want absolute history I would read a book. If I want history fiction I will go see Miller's work.

He always goes a bit over the top: 70's - 80's Daredevil, Elektra, Ronin, Batman Year 1, The Dark Knight Returns, Sin City, Hard Boiled, Robocop II.