***SPOILER ALERT*** What is your favorite part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

Well, he can apparate now...isn't a bromstick like a bike when he can now ride a car? Sentimental value, sure, but more limited practical value.
Well, he can apparate now...isn't a bromstick like a bike when he can now ride a car? Sentimental value, sure, but more limited practical value.

But suppose he wants to spend the odd Saturday afternoon in a pick-up quidditch match? :lol:
My favorite part for me was when he knows he is going to die and is going in the forest anyways. He then figures out how to open the snitch to get the resurrection stone and then has the converstion with his parents and Sirius.

don't know why, must have also got some dust in my eyes and they watered a littled. weird coincidence huh? :-)
My favorite part for me was when he knows he is going to die and is going in the forest anyways. He then figures out how to open the snitch to get the resurrection stone and then has the converstion with his parents and Sirius.

don't know why, must have also got some dust in my eyes and they watered a littled. weird coincidence huh? :-)
Yeah that was it... definitely.
Good points, exile and MA-Caver.

Found another good link where Rowling explains a bit further about the final battle. I guess the Disarm was the right spell to use given the nature of the Elder Wand, though it seems bizarre that the most powerful wand in the universe can be had through the use of a 1st year spell. And with that statement, I have officially become whatever the HP version of a Trek-weenie is.
I guess the Disarm was the right spell to use given the nature of the Elder Wand, though it seems bizarre that the most powerful wand in the universe can be had through the use of a 1st year spell. And with that statement, I have officially become whatever the HP version of a Trek-weenie is.

Nice link, Cory, thanks!

Something else occurred to me. Remember that, as JKR has Dumbledore explain in great detail to Harry in the King's Cross Station that is beyond time and space, the protection that Harry's mother gave him, that exists by virtue of his blood, lives in Voldemort too because he took Harry's blood in the graveyard. Now, we've all had it drummed through our heads that that means Harry is bound to life as long as Voldemort is alive... but doesn't it work the other way too? If they're linked the same way, then would Harry's `Aveda Kadavra' actually be expected to work on Voldemort, any more than Voldemort's on Harry's?

But of course, that protection wouldn't extend to what Voldemort did to himself (an AV curse he used that richoted back to himself)... so maybe, in this case, Expelliarmus would be the more efficacious spell, just for those reasons...
Ok I just got done with the audiobook and Jim Dale is simply the best.

Dobby dying broke my heart. I felt so sad but I loved the end fight with everyone in the great hall.

Just too much to name. Harry Potter is my fav book.
In the middle of the second (slower-study) reading of the book. And finding it just as engaging as the first time.
The deaths are sad but a necessary part of the narrative.
I guess I'm a romantic at heart. My favorite scene is where Ron and Hermione finally have their "moment", and Harry's response to it. You "see" it in the movies. Their connection from the first book. It comes out little by little. GOF especially when Ron loses it about Krum asking Hermione to the Yule Ball and she tells him to ask her himself next time. Then in HBP when Ron hooks up with Lavender. Hermione loses it too. I was hoping it would happen a bit sooner in the book, but I know it wouldn't have been the right time.

Okay, now to my other favorite parts. I'll go with Kreacher and the house elves coming out of the kitchens, Kreacher rousing them in the name of Regulas. Or when McGonagall tells the school to defend the students.
I have to many parts of the book to name as my favorite but ill try:

One would when the Order was taking Harry from Privet Drive. The battle that broke out was amazing. That scene in the movie will be incredible. I was sad that Harry lost Hedwig though.

When the trio entered the Ministy was also amazing. Every second that passed you were afraid they were going to be caught.

When Harry was walking in the forest towards Voldemort and he was talking to his parents, Sirius and Lupin was very emotional.

The final battle between Harry and Voldemort was incredible as well. I was excited to see that Molly Weasly defeated Bellatrix.

The deaths were all tough including Dobby's. That was so sad and the part after when Harry dug the grave without magic was tugging on my heartstrings.

One of the best parts though was how Neville was the leader of the resistance at Hogwarts. I was excited to see how much his character took charge and how influential he became.

Overall the best book of the series


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