Who here in AN is HSP?


Purple Belt
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
Central CA.
Okay guys,

Who on AN forum is training in their art via HSP (home study program)? Let us know who you are and any golden nuggets that might help everyone.
along with my dojo training, I have done several HSC. Adrian Roman's Tushkahoma, Freestyle Jujitsu, and Toshindo/Classical. Dont know if I have any direct advice, but if you have any questions, I could probably throw my hat into the ring.

Hi Guys,

When working on the techniques don't practice facing the TV. Turn your back and look over your shoulder, then their left becomes your left. Makes learning techniques a lot quicker...

Hope this is one of those nuggetts you are looking for

Yeah, I have some advice. When you are practicing rolls in the livingroom, watch out not to run into the couch, the chairs, and breakable obects. LOL. (Not that I ever did that of course.) :ultracool Needless to say my wife has had some pretty good laughs watching me. :rolleyes:
Limeydog said:
Hi Guys,

When working on the techniques don't practice facing the TV. Turn your back and look over your shoulder, then their left becomes your left. Makes learning techniques a lot quicker...

Hope this is one of those nuggetts you are looking for

Lucky enough for me, I was able to learn the art of the ninja and view things in reverse so to not have that challenge.
Satt said:
Yeah, I have some advice. When you are practicing rolls in the livingroom, watch out not to run into the couch, the chairs, and breakable obects. LOL. (Not that I ever did that of course.) :ultracool Needless to say my wife has had some pretty good laughs watching me. :rolleyes:
Exactly. Ukemi in the livingroom. I thought I was the only one! Satt, we got so much in common my friend. My wife just kept hoping I'd break some furniture to have an excuse to buy more!:ultracool

Let me see... one piece of advice is to lay out exactly how you're going to video your technique. Almost must be rehearsed (if that makes sense). Oh yeah - don't attempt to video test everything in one day or session. Break it up and video it as you go along. If you try to record it all in one session, you'll begin to fatigue and mess up more towards the end. Form looks all screwy. Break it up and you'll still be photogenic! :supcool:
gmunoz said:
Oh yeah - don't attempt to video test everything in one day or session. Break it up and video it as you go along. If you try to record it all in one session, you'll begin to fatigue and mess up more towards the end. Form looks all screwy. Break it up and you'll still be photogenic! :supcool:
good point! defenitly break it up... it will help you actually feel like you are making progress too.

if you are going to be practicing ukemi/rolls try and do them outside. it gives you the feeling of actual turf. just watch out for the brown enemies that sometimes lurk in the grass...:(only applies if you own a dog).

Enson said:
just watch out for the brown enemies that sometimes lurk in the grass...:(only applies if you own a dog).

You know, that sounds like a good idea for a thread. WATCH OUT FOR THE LITTLE BROWN ENIMIES!!!
Sorry, but I'm a non-AN, coming in to bug you AN guys (and I love how we already have cool acronyms).

Anyway, I'm not part of an HSP, but I do agree with the use of video cameras to record your training. 1. it's better than using a mirror - watching from a more objective point of view, 2. it's reviewable.

If you're going to use it for demonstration (say to send in for rank consideration), go ahead and perform all the techniques necessary, from several angles, all in one go. This will demonstrate your endurance as well. You also want it of highest quality, so having someone that's good with cameras help you record is very helpful. A minimal crew of three - yourself, your Uke (receiving partner), and a camera operator - would make for a good demo piece).

For a day-to-day training progress record, set it up however you want and go at whatever pace you're comfortable with.

Have fun, and play safe! Especially those indoor rolls :D

For more information on HSC's see:

Hm, good suggestions so far. Video taping your sessions, testing for one thing at a time instead of it all at once, making sure you have enough room to do your techniques, etc.
Hm, what else? What about when you watch the tape (HSP one or the one you recorded of yourself doing the move/s) you view it in slow motion. That way you'll get a better idea of the move. What body part moves first, second, third, etc. And while you watch it try and remember how you felt doing that move. Did it feel like you were flowing or flopping? Was it fluid or jerky? Etc....
Oh, and make sure when video taping yourself you figure out where the camcorder view ends and begins. It sucks when you find out you're not on the tape you were recording. :(
I have my little boy help me video tape my sessions of testing so that way he can make sure that I am appearing in the screen well and completely. Many times I have had to go back and edit my taped section due to mistakes or errors in recording.
gmunoz said:
I have my little boy help me video tape my sessions of testing so that way he can make sure that I am appearing in the screen well and completely. Many times I have had to go back and edit my taped section due to mistakes or errors in recording.
Hey man, what type of camcorder do you use??? Do you just use VHS or do you have some sort of digital camcorder and just edit it with your computer or something??? Just curious. The only reason I haven't sent in my test yet is I can't figure out exactly how to go about taping it.
Kali, since you are doing Mr. Van Donk's HSC, you are required to record everything in one session with no editing.
See this.
jibran said:
Kali, since you are doing Mr. Van Donk's HSC, you are required to record everything in one session with no editing.
See this.
very interesting. i guess if that is they way he wants it thats the way is should be done (for him anyway).

another note... the rvd stuff should be discussed in the trad section.

Actually I pointed that out to Kalifallen because she is using his HSC along with Mr. Tew's. I myself am using Mr. Hayes' course (which, by the way, is excellent; highly recommended).