1. Ted Sumner. He's got documentation for a considerable portion of kenpo's history and an incredible grasp of theory. He teaches kenpo's healing arts (chotaifuku) and he's an extremely effective fighter. Plus, he's hilarious.
2. Joe Lewis. If you have ever looked into this man's eyes, you understand. He's brutally effective, and slightly demented.
3. Roger Greene. He'll work you mercilessly hard on the basics and then barbeque you up the best hamburger you've ever tasted. He's a crusher when he fights and a sweetheart the rest of the time.
4. Steve LaBounty. This is one of the guys my father looked up to when he began training with the Tracys in 1966. He's old school, fought (and won, more often than not) before they wore any protective gear. Now he's into healing, which has always interested me.
5. Ray Arquilla. He went towards the Chinese side, towards our roots. He's got this militant core of students, the "Iron Dragon". He's a badass. All the way.
Actually, all of these guys are badasses. I know all of them and have trained with Ted Sumner and attended seminars by Roger Greene, Joe Lewis and Steve LaBounty. Though most of you have probably never heard of them, as these guys are more on the Tracy side (with the exception of LaBounty), ask Tatum about any of them and I guarantee you he'll have good things to say. And speaking of Tatum, I'd like to add him to my list as a sixth person I'd like to train with. If that's allowed.