You seem to enjoy making counter arguments to arguments that were never made. No one absolved Bush DOJ of anything. No one asserted that things that come before have no impact on things that come after.
I can make new points in an on-going debate, can't I, based on what I perceive as the implications of statements made by others? The argument still remains that it is quite inconceivable to believe that Obama could simply reject out of hand a change to the test in some manner after the Bush Administration's DOJ found evidence of bias.
And since we are talking about responsibilty, which can cross a single day of
No ones fault but your own. Did you miss Holder's "my people" moment?
You mean where he was talking about his a disservice in a person's comments regarding people who put their lives on the line, specifically his sister-in-law, or "my people".
Nothing to do with anything said. I know you like to mince words and get sidetracked, but regardless of weather or not other presidents push legislation etc the way Obama does isn't the point. Rather, your assertion that all presidents admins. do it only further weakens your argument. If they all do it... then your attempts at absolving Obama and placing this on Dayton's head is fallacious.
You made a generalized statement, and I made one back. There is no evidence to support that he tied anyone's hands in this case either.
As to patterns, you have consistently cherry picked sources for incomplete quotes. Lets try again;
"The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing standards for recruits.
It's a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not enough African-Americans passed the exam. The DOJ has forced other police departments across the country to lower testing standards citing once again that not enough black candidates were passing."
Except for the fact that there is no legal document stating that the DOJ required this specific remedy.
I'm sorry friend but it is DOJ policy. Were it Dayton city/Dayton PD policy - none of this would have happened in the first place.
There is no proof of that that it is a DOJ policy.
I have. The fact that the initial decree is vague means nothing accept that... its vague! The DOJ holding Dayton PD hostage by freezing their hiring indefinitely (until they get what they want) is indicative of whose making decisions.
And the fact that the only specific remedy that it requires is that they not use the 2006 test, and (generally) be compliant with Title VII.
True. If I were to follow your pattern, simply adding some incomplete quotes and out of context info would make it so.
And making statements about facts not in evidence doesn't either.
Again, this is a counter argument to an argument that was never made, and yet another incidence of your word games intended to put words in someones mouth. I blame the Bush admin for plenty, but I will not blame him for the outcome in this case. That is squarely on the Obama admin. The history of DOJ and Fed offenses into states and cities business goes back much further than Obama or Bush.
And that is the problem with out discussion. This "blame game" can go any such way, dependent upon perspective. I could just as easily say that were in not for the Bush Administration's DOJ determination of bias, this outcome would have never happened either. A remedy, once the determination is made, is inevitable.
Back to the point...To further help you understand whose decision this actually is;
From the Free republic: "Black applicant protests lowering police entrance exam scores. Community leaders say Justice Department’s demand is ‘a slap in the face to black people.’"
This I actually agree with.
"Zachary Williams is a 21-year-old black Wayne High School grad who wants nothing more than to be a Dayton police officer or firefighter. HeÂ’s one of 225 black applicants who took the November police entrance exam now at the center of a dispute between the city and the U.S. Department of Justice.His test results are pending the Justice DepartmentÂ’s demand that the city lower its passing score for a police exam to allow for a larger pool of black applicants, while the city argues it is trying to ensure it hires the most qualified candidates." (
Again, there is no evidence that this is a Justice Department demand, and even if so, there is no way that short of a court order that they can compel compliance.
From U.S. District Judge Walter H. Rice - “I cannot make a legal judgment on the Justice Department’s method, but there are lots of instances where competent people test poorly. What can happen in these cases, minorities are incorrectly branded as less qualified when they are infinitely qualified.”
And what method is he referring to:
The Justice DepartmentÂ’s method of forcing cities to diversify through litigation ...
This says nothing about arm twisting, but litigation, which the cities are perfectly capable of going to court regarding.
Now, I don't think think this next quote could be any more clear:
Dayton proposed participants had to answer 57 of 86 (66 percent) questions correctly on one portion and 73 of 102 (72 percent) on the other. The Justice Department rejected those thresholds and wants the scores slightly lowered, city attorney John Danish said, because not enough blacks (57 of 225) passed compared to whites (386 of 788).
Wants. And the city had every right to disagree and contest it. They chose not to. And since the test scores were put forth by them, it is their decision.
This is after the city of Dayton hired outside consultant. at a cost of 150k, to re write the test to ensure that it complies with civil rights laws. That still wasn't good enough for this admins. DOJ!
Perhaps because it was, in fact, inadequate. I don't know, but neither will I make an assumption.
I would buy that if you simply gave citations, but you don't - statements like;
Clearly show any objective reader that you have some preconceived notion.. thus the "no less"...
Or it could be because of the fact that Fox is generally believed to be anti-Obama station made such a comment, perhaps lending credibility to said statement. Otherwise, why not say Obama's DOJ forced them to do it in an effort to make him look bad. It had nothing at all to do with your acceptance of Fox News as a credible source, but, even thinking that they might be biased against Obama, they still credited the change to Dayton, not him.
I agree. However, this speaks more to my point. The initiation of the DOJ/Dayton issue back in 08 can be easily attributed to such lawyers as much or more than Bush, while (if we suspend the truth and run with your assertion) the willingness to accept lower tests scores falls squarely on Obama/Holder.
No, I would actually say that willingness to accept lower test scores also falls to career lawyers, and not Obama. Just like the original investigation under the Bush DOJ likely had more to do with career lawyers. The whole theory that people have made here is that because the outcome occurred under Obama, that he must have had a hand in it's decision, and it was based on his "racial preferences". Not only that, but future decisions of the DOJ will have the same racial bias. I have denied that because there is nothing in the evidence to support such a conclusion. So though he may be in charge, in an ultimate sense, it is not like he, or Eric Holder for that matter, has a hand in the day-to-day decision making of every aspect of the DOJ.