Which poomsae, tul, or hyung have done most often?


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Either because you enjoy doing it that much, or it is/was difficult for you. Which one have you done the most?

For me, it's Koryo. As a gup students, my 1st SBN had each belt rank perform their form as a group in front of the rest of the students. I really enjoyed the BB's performing Koryo. I couldn't wait to learn it & practice it.

What about you?
Fudge, having a senior moment.

Hyongs is what we do (lately 'Ho-Am' style)

Anyhow, Blue belt is my favorite, but green is what I do most (I used to hate it with a passion, now I just hate it, gotta embrace what you can't change!)

gotta dig up the Latin - uh - Korean names....I have not used them so long...it's pityful!
Taegeuk Il Chang.

Not the pattern itself, but its applications. The concepts it shows and the sequences it uses to illustrate them.

It's got most of what you need for about 75% of empty hand self-defence and "fighting" situations. I just keep coming back to it.
In all likelyhood, Chon Ji, since I have known it the longest. It also serves as a great way to warm up. In fact, the Chang Hon sysytem is designd that way. Lowest rank patterns hve easiest moves and get harder as they progre thru the color belt patterns.
Pinan Yodan or Pinan Godan. Back in the days when I did Jhoon Rhee TKD, I probably practiced Choong Moo the most, since I used to enjoy practicing the jumping and flying kicks.
Taeguk Il jang. I use it as a frequent warm up. I teach it frequently. I deconstruct it for techniques pretty often as well.

In all likelyhood, Chon Ji, since I have known it the longest. It also serves as a great way to warm up. In fact, the Chang Hon sysytem is designd that way. Lowest rank patterns hve easiest moves and get harder as they progre thru the color belt patterns.

You make an excellent point about Chon Ji. It would have to be the one most performed in the Ch'ang Hon systems.
I've done my white belt form requirements the most: Kibon Hyung Il Jol, Kibon Hyung Yi Jol, and Kibon Hyung Sam Jol.

But, for enjoyment and study, I enjoy practicing Ship Pal, So Ho Yun, Jang Kwon, and Kong Son Kun.

R. McLain
Taeguek Il Jang is the one I've performed the most often. I always do the poomsae in order, so I start with that one.

I haven't really done the Chang-Hon set much in the past 16 years, but Chung Mu is a pretty cool form-I agree with TF. I remember doing this as a team pattern.