which martial arts should invest my time in?


White Belt
Jun 9, 2018
Reaction score
hi! my name is derek and i decided to do martial arts but i need help figuring out which one i should do. please tell me which you do and suggest one i should do, thanks!
What is available to you? Which one are you most interested in? Of the ones available to you which instructor do you seem to like the best?
If it isn't available to you training it isn't going to happen. If you aren't interested in it or don't like it you aren't going to train for long. If you don't like the instructor and others in the school again you probably won't train.
Pick a school, not a style. Make a list of everything available locally, and cross out the ones that conflict with your schedule and the ones you can’t afford. Visit the rest.

Barring really absurd styles, the teacher and classmates are the most important thing.

I study Seido karate. It’s the perfect dojo for me. There’s a few Seido dojos that I wouldn’t train at because they wouldn’t be the right place of me. It’s not a shot at them, it’s just that their focus is mainly on kids and tournaments.

Visit a bunch of places, and the right one should stand out.
Pick a school, not a style. Make a list of everything available locally, and cross out the ones that conflict with your schedule and the ones you can’t afford. Visit the rest.

Barring really absurd styles, the teacher and classmates are the most important thing.

I study Seido karate. It’s the perfect dojo for me. There’s a few Seido dojos that I wouldn’t train at because they wouldn’t be the right place of me. It’s not a shot at them, it’s just that their focus is mainly on kids and tournaments.

Visit a bunch of places, and the right one should stand out.
Bingo. And I’ll just emphasize that the first issue is to discover what schools are in your area, that you can reasonably travel two at least a couple times a week, that you can afford, and that offer classes that do not conflict with your schedule. If a school does not fit this basic description, then it does not matter how great it might be because you won’t train there. Discussing what systems are great in an abstract sort of way is pointless if they do not exist nearby.

So make a list of what schools you could attend. If you share that list here, some of us might be able to comment on them in general. However, what I might think is great about a school, you might hate, and vice-versa. In the end, you will need to decide which is good for you, regardless of the advice you may get here.
Hello & welcome. Definitely do JR 137’s advice. Take a look at the local schools & check them out.
I know it will be a Biased answer but if you want a Striking Art, Muay Thai, If you want a Grappling Art Gracie / Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.. If you want good Philosophy Arts, Jeet Kune Do Concepts or Kajukenbo love the concepts in both philosophies of Being Formless and shapeless like water.
I train in Southern Preying Mantis Kung Fu. I love it and its worth a look in my opinion to see if its in your area. I also dont suggest you do it just because I said you should lol. You should pick a style that you like and feel an affinity for. Find a good teacher and school and check a few out. Preying Mantis blew me away when I saw it and I knew it was for me. ITs all personal. Depends if you want something you can compete in or just for your own personal goals etc. There is no bad martial arts, just bad teachers and schools. Find a good one and something you like the look of.
hi! my name is derek and i decided to do martial arts but i need help figuring out which one i should do. please tell me which you do and suggest one i should do, thanks!

I do Karate, and Brazilian Juijtsu.
I started getting serious by doing Korean Tang Soo Do... "a blend of Korean politics and karate with some 11 secret Chinese spices and ingredients".

And then I took Judo with a light touch of Wing Chun. In college, I took fencing, and got into Tilting / Hema. Later, i got serious into Kyudo. but I moved away, and couldn't find another school where I moved to.

Later on I did ArnisFMA, which led me to Bjj.
A friend from judo got deep into Aikido, and I had to visit his dojo. It changed my mind about Aikido... but it isn't my first recommendation for you.

These days I practice, and study Okinawan Karate.
and do nogi JJ on the side. I like hopkido but never formally trained or had the opportunity to train in it.

If you can find a place that teaches self defense Brazilian JJ that will help a lot.

You may wind up not liking it, but wind up preferring Muy Thai or western boxing.

I recommend that you visit and train at All of the schools in your area. then after that come back and use us as a sounding board.

Ask us questions, and tell us about the schools you like. read the posts about McDojos (places that steal your money and dont prepare you to fight at all) so you know what to avoid.
I do Karate, and Brazilian Juijtsu.
I started getting serious by doing Korean Tang Soo Do... "a blend of Korean politics and karate with some 11 secret Chinese spices and ingredients".

And then I took Judo with a light touch of Wing Chun. In college, I took fencing, and got into Tilting / Hema. Later, i got serious into Kyudo. but I moved away, and couldn't find another school where I moved to.

Later on I did ArnisFMA, which led me to Bjj.
A friend from judo got deep into Aikido, and I had to visit his dojo. It changed my mind about Aikido... but it isn't my first recommendation for you.

These days I practice, and study Okinawan Karate.
and do nogi JJ on the side. I like hopkido but never formally trained or had the opportunity to train in it.

If you can find a place that teaches self defense Brazilian JJ that will help a lot.

You may wind up not liking it, but wind up preferring Muy Thai or western boxing.

I recommend that you visit and train at All of the schools in your area. then after that come back and use us as a sounding board.

Ask us questions, and tell us about the schools you like. read the posts about McDojos (places that steal your money and dont prepare you to fight at all) so you know what to avoid.

So is your experience that those of us who practice Hapkido hop around a lot? :p :)

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
So is your experience that those of us who practice Hapkido hop around a lot? :p :)

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Yes. now hop to it. :D:D:eek:;):)

Sadly, my new phone hasn't learned how to autocorrect that word correctly. and worse... when I proofread it... I spotted the typo! I did!

(i have spelled it correctly many times on this forum, Honest! Former boy scouts honor!)

And I was going to fix it but the wife distracted me with cheese cake.
And I absentmindedly published.

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Yes. now hop to it. :D:D:eek:;):)

Sadly, my new phone hasn't learned how to autocorrect that word correctly. and worse... when I proofread it... I spotted the typo! I did!

(i have spelled it correctly many times on this forum, Honest! Former boy scouts honor!)

And I was going to fix it but the wife distracted me with cheese cake.
And I absentmindedly published.


KIDS? Wow. Thank you! Thank you!
Yes. now hop to it. :D:D:eek:;):)

Sadly, my new phone hasn't learned how to autocorrect that word correctly. and worse... when I proofread it... I spotted the typo! I did!

(i have spelled it correctly many times on this forum, Honest! Former boy scouts honor!)

And I was going to fix it but the wife distracted me with cheese cake.
And I absentmindedly published.

I thought it was MEDDLING kids?
I thought it was MEDDLING kids?
Aw shadup! I was practicing my senile fuddyduddy misquoting and blaming it on being senile.
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hi! my name is derek and i decided to do martial arts but i need help figuring out which one i should do. please tell me which you do and suggest one i should do, thanks!
What style schools are in your area? Make a list of schools, know your budget and available schedule. visit or at least talk to the instructors and see which ones interest you and set up some trial classes to figure out which one seems best overall for you. That way you are much more likely to keep going to class. Best of luck and let us know how it goes.