Green Belt
There is a new Wushu school that has opened up near my home and I am looking at supplementing my Kenpo training with an internal art (they teach the main 3). I have taken a few TaiChi classes and studied BaGua under Master Park Bok-Nam for a few months when I was younger (did not have the time or patience to dedicate myself at the time).
I don't have any experience with Hsing Yi , but read it is the most "hard/yang" of the internal styles and thus the easiest to transition to from an external art background. Bagua is supposed to be the most complete, but most difficult.
Your recommendations would be appreciated. I would like the health and relaxation benefit's as well as an art to improve my internal power (Qi Gong).
I don't have any experience with Hsing Yi , but read it is the most "hard/yang" of the internal styles and thus the easiest to transition to from an external art background. Bagua is supposed to be the most complete, but most difficult.
Your recommendations would be appreciated. I would like the health and relaxation benefit's as well as an art to improve my internal power (Qi Gong).