Which FMA style has about an equal number of hand to hand combat moves and weapons fighting?

If you look at it, why are boxers so good at empty hands? Because they specialize in it.
Why are BJJ folks so good at grappling? Because they specialize in it.
Transition is a valid thing to train too.

Why do MMA fighters train kicking, boxing, takedowns and grappling combined? The specialist is BEST in his domain, but in order to move from one zone to the next is itself a special skill. Like how a boxer can set up a takedown... that's a skill in itself! And it isn't taught in either boxing or grappling by themselves ....at least it wasn't common before MMA was a thing.

The debate over specialists vs. generalists is really, really old! ;)
Transition is a valid thing to train too.

Why do MMA fighters train kicking, boxing, takedowns and grappling combined? The specialist is BEST in his domain, but in order to move from one zone to the next is itself a special skill. Like how a boxer can set up a takedown... that's a skill in itself! And it isn't taught in either boxing or grappling by themselves ....at least it wasn't common before MMA was a thing.

The debate over specialists vs. generalists is really, really old! ;)

Sure sure, but I just wanted to emphasize that an art doesn't have to be an allround art, but that someone can also train in several, specialized arts. There isn't a wrong or right here in my opinion it's just personal preferences.
Sorry, just realized I never responded. I try not to badmouth organizations on here (and it's partially against our TOS to do so), so unfortunately can't specify which one's I'm referring to. But my general advice would be to go in skeptical to any striking art that adds supplementary weapon training that's not originally part of said art.

You can PM me and name them :)
And preferably one that uses moves derived from Muay Thai and western martial arts in particular.

(I've managed to come across one so far but I won't name it so I don't influence the answers on here ;)).
I don't know how much weapons work Yaw-Yan does, but it's the only one I can think of that might be interpreted as having a muay thai influence hard-wired into it (as opposed to FMA tending to draw a similar crowd to muay thai, perhaps down to the Guro Dan Inosanto connection).

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