Which are you ... Red or Blue


Slate has a series of 37 questions that should help align you to a 'Red State' (of mind) or a 'Blue State' (of mind). It seemed like an interesting proposition.

I scored as a medium RED.

Those who have seen my posts know, something ain't right there !!!

Submitted for your amusement.


lol - that was an unexpected quiz!

As with so many things, I scored... in the middle. Perhaps a shade towards the "red" rather than "blue", but otherwise - middle.
I thought it was questionable...if not silly. I couldn't see its validity. I read it, but didn't bother taking it.

Clearly, Michael, if you scored red, it isn't accurate.


I'm in the middle (go figure), but that may be because I didn't have a clue what about half the questions were referring to. *hangs head in shame*

So, uh, the Eighth Amendment was coveting your neighbor's wife, right?
hardheadjarhead said:
Clearly, Michael, if you scored red, it isn't accurate.
well, the premise is that 'Red' and 'Blue' are not just locations on a map, but more a state of mind.

I think I scored red because I knew who Lee Greenwood was, and Toby Keith. I didn't see any questions asking who James Hatfield was, though ... waddaya suppose that means?

I got a chuckle out of it.

So, uh, the Eighth Amendment was coveting your neighbor's wife, right?
That is what I answered too. But, I thought you weren't suppose to covet your neighbors ***. Oh, Well.

And there were a few obscure questions in there (I thought). Although, in some cases, I think that each of the individual answers might have been acceptable ... which answer you chose meant something ... who knows what?
I thought this thread was going to be about Unreal Tournament!

Blue team for Life!
Dead center. But I think that's just because:

A) I'm retarded (+5 red)
B) I guessed right on the Toby Keith thing (+5 red)
C) Got tired of Annie Hall (but not Angels In America) (+5 red)
D) Don't watch enough TV (+10 blue)
Interesting quiz. I scored about 3/4 into the Red. I think I was penalized for knowing what Whole Foods is.......


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