Which Aikido teacher?

Which Aikido teacher are you praticing under, or have praticed under?

  • Nishio

  • Kanesuka

  • Ikeda

  • Saito

  • Kuayashi

  • Sugano

  • Chiba

  • Watenabe

  • Tomiki

  • Other , please specify

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Now mainly under Endo sensei, Kobayashi sensei and Igarashi sensei.
Also some times I visit Sugawara sensei's seminars as well as Tissier sensei's seminars.
I hadn't seen this poll before.
I study under Doug Hanson Sensei belonging to the ASU (Aikido School of Ueshiba) federation.
My initial training was with Karl Geis in the mid 70s. After reaching Nidan, I began training with Toshiaki Takikawa and our Dojo hosted Tetsuro Nariyama for a couple of week-long visits. While I've trained informally in Yoshinkan, my Aikido core has all been Tomiki/Shodokan.
I started with Sensei Walter Kopitov and then studied with Shihan Richard Bowe and am now training with Sensei Earl Layumas.
I train under Sensei Rick McCraw who trained under the direction of Sensei Robert B. MacEwen jr. I've had the chance to train under sensei MacEwen and enjoyed it. Also had the chance to train under Morph for a day.:ultracool Those of us that are spouting names that you've never heard of are from the NGA lineage. Our style is probably most like shodokan or Tomiki styles of aikido that follow the Ueshiba lineage.
I train under Sensei Rick McCraw who trained under the direction of Sensei Robert B. MacEwen jr. I've had the chance to train under sensei MacEwen and enjoyed it. Also had the chance to train under Morph for a day.:ultracool Those of us that are spouting names that you've never heard of are from the NGA lineage. Our style is probably most like shodokan or Tomiki styles of aikido that follow the Ueshiba lineage.

I don't know all the Sensei in the world (on the contrary, maybe I can count the ones I know on my fingers). So not only the ones you name are unknown to me LOL.
I don't know all the Sensei in the world (on the contrary, maybe I can count the ones I know on my fingers). So not only the ones you name are unknown to me LOL.
You and me both, my aiki brother! The point I was getting at was more along the lines that the NGA guys wouldn't be anywhere along the continuum of the instructors listed in the poll except in the "other" category. Not surprising since NGA makes up a very small subsection of the aiki arts. Having said that I'll say this: I've been on other boards where I was told, point blank, that since I was NGA I wasn't welcome by the other aikido-ka. I've never had that problem here. There was a time, couple of years ago, where we had a lively debate going between myself and a couple of hombu stylist but, thanks to the general attitude of the board the debate was always respectful and both parties wound up gaining a lot of respect for each other. Love the aiki you're doing but never dismiss someone elses flavor.:ubercool:
I've practiced under senior students of Nishio Sensei (never got to meet him, unfortunately), and personally under Kanetsuka Sensei (took ukemi from him), Yasuo Kobayashi Sensei and his son Hiroaki. I have not practiced with Ikeda Sensei, but with his senior, Saotome Sensei.

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