Where to get decent shuriken?

Highland Ninja

Yellow Belt
Does anyone know where I can order some decent quality shuriken? I don't want the crappy modern ones that seem to be sold by every martial arts supplier on the internet. I'm looking for some more authentic shuriken, like these:

http://www.budoweapons.com/images/Happo Shuriken/Senban/Set 9 Senban Red.jpg

or better yet, these:

http://www.budoweapons.com/images/Happo Shuriken/Senban/S5300055.JPG

I'm hoping to find a source that doesn't, however, cost $10 apiece and take 4 months to get here. I'm looking to be able to order them and have them in a week.

Any ideas?

Also, I could swear I saw a thread here once that gave the traditional measurements, thickness, and weight for Togakure Ryu senban shuriken. Anyone remember that?
Thanks, Newtothedark!

How fast does that first company ship? That's not too bad a price for 9 shuriken shipped. I wonder how long it takes to get to America?

Also, it appears they no longer make them, but instead forward me to this site:


It says on the original site "for decorative use only". Are they actually usable for training? It looks like the tips are reinforced.
I do not know about the other one's but Ed Green's Budo Weapons are great. Though you do have to wait an awful long time.
pauls shuriken are fantastic. when i ordered mine it was around the holidays. it took little over 3 weeks to get here.

May I suggest my shop?


I have different types of quality shuriken and if you are looking for something that it's not listed, I will make it expecially for you.



Mmm I'm sure one of those katanas is calling to me to buy it! payday Thursday as well!
How long for delivery to England Francesco?
Mmm I'm sure one of those katanas is calling to me to buy it! payday Thursday as well!
How long for delivery to England Francesco?


I'm happy you like it! :)
Usually the delivery time to UK is 3/4 days, not more.
Most of the Katana are out of stock right now but they will be available from the end of next week.


Yeah those coldsteel are real nice...I was looking at one that Dick Severence had on display at Jack Hoban's last seminar in West Palm Beach. The only bad thing is that they're almost 25 bucks a pop! This guy here at the Chapel Hill Quest sells 9 Senbans for 45 bucks...
im out of luck they're illegal in california just gonna have to make my own.

Ah you gotta luv it....California is a great state with tons of culture and great people. But not once as a cop here in Florida or anywhere have I heard about shuriken killing people. Its amazing that at least in Florida if you're convicted of a felony and/or domestic violence you cannot by law own a firearm.....with the exception of curio/relics firearms. A curio/relic is like an antique firearm and those that fit the description for example are: 1911 Colt .45, SKS, M1903 30.06, etc. etc etc I believe as long as they are original and made prior to 1917. But my point here is that basically martial arts weapons are nothing more than antiques but yet there plenty of states that don't allow them.....More people die in car accidents, stab wounds and on the operating table but thank God they don't outlaw cars, knives and hospitals....Its not the weapon itself that makes it dangerous but the person handling the weapon or sometimes its just an unforseeable accident. Typical beauracratic overreaction.....whew! Sorry just had to get that off my chest...

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