Brother John
Senior Master
Couldn't agree more.Hi,
Depending on which of Ricks books you get as to how the points are referenced. His first is a text book he wrote when he was a College Lecturer and taught MA to the masses which is very good, the second was written in 2004 I think and is a little more detailed in some respects, both are worth a read.
I met him in the mid 90's, lovely bloke and he knows what he is doing beleive me, the hard part is utilising it in conjunction with your current MA as I said there is more to it than you think, but great fun to do with a good partner.
I think that the difficult part here is that Kyusho is used in MANY of the better Karate-Do systems as a kind of coded map to distill out the hidden uses of the original Kata Bunkai. Unfortunately, MOST people lost these application codes a long time ago ( more like they simply Never learned them ) and therefore couldn't fully understand their own kata's they changed many kata until they COULD understand the relationship between kata and their bunkai. THEN...they lose their kyusho applications.... and NOW people who do have some understanding of kyusho applications come along and try to interpret out kyusho applications from kata that they don't KNOW have been altered; and the quality of their guesswork is LOW.
THEN: There's another problem. Many systems forms/hyung/kata ....etc., never were based on Kyusho application.... and people with Kyusho knowledge come and try to reverse engineer these forms and end up losing the mechanical-combat applications that these forms did impart. It's like trying to disasemble your car by using the blue-prints for a truck... putting it back together will be even Harder!
I've never seen the work that Rick did in college. Might be good. But a lot of the things that he goes over in his books that I've gotten is how to dismantle the kata/bunkai of his type of Karate-Do.... so if you don't study it or one LIKE it.... not AS useful.
Just an observation...
Your Brother