Sorry the last message got away from me .
I am not being judgmental, This is my frank opinion
nothing more, take it for what it is worth.
There is a difference between a hobbyist and a warrior.
There is a difference between playing at something and
living it.
The Only constant (besides God) in the universe is Change.
We can not maintain a practice at the same level,
we are either getting stronger and sharper or we
are getting weaker and duller.
We can make all the excuses we want for not training,
but, while we do not train our enemies do train,
while we become weak and complacent ,
or enemies become stronger and bolder.
Do not count the hours, use all the time you have
to train, There is NOTHING you do in life that can
not be related to training, There is nothing but training
in the life of a warrior except using this training.
Even time with you Wife and Children is using
this training ,I will give you a example ,
You take your wife and kids to the mall to shop,
you are their defender, the last line of defense between
them , and a hostile world, Can you really afford not
to be vigilant , are you watching out for those
who prey on the weak, are you watching for cars
and other dangers, are you watching the people
in the mall , for stackers and perverts , are you
doing everything you can, to be sure that your
family is safe ? Would you defend the old, the
helpless, would you stop injustice if you saw it ?
This is Martial living .
Can you have fun, Yes, can you ever let down and
be care free, No , not ever again, not in this world,
not with the onus of keeping your family safe being
squarely on your shoulders,.
Your home is your kingdom, you are the warrior who
protects it and those who you call your own, your
family , your friends, YOU must be prepared,
you are the one that has to be ready in a emergency,
Do you know first aid ? CPR ?
Learning this is martial training.
can you handle seeing
people broken , and bleeding, can you help in a emergency ?
this is the Martial Mind.
Are your physical good enough to deal with multiple attackers ?
If not, then what are you going to do if 3 guys attack your wife,
Can you afford not to train ?
Not to be consumed by training ?
You can quit training , because you suck, as you age your
fighting ability will become worse, you will suck more with
each passing year, and if you are called on to defend
your family , you will be nothing but road kill.
IF you have a martial heart , there is no way that you
will give in to your own complacency , your own laziness,
your own desire to be carefree ,
If you have a family your child hood is over,
suck it up, and start taking serious responsibility
for being the protector and defender of what is
good, and pure in this world.
PS ( I am married have 4 children who are now 17-25,
have a day job, my own MA school, and teach a college
level course in database management, I am at the school
4 days a week and meet to train elsewhere 2 other days a week,
I teach MA 12 hours a week , and train with others another 6 ,
I train on my own in the morning , and at night, I read , think
breath Budo , I have walked this walk and hope you will also
choose this path, in this world we need warriors to fight the
chaos and injustice )