When is too much enough


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
At what time in a person life is it to much and time to settle down to the masses, should one go as long as they can or should there be a age limit.
Boy oh boy befor i answere that one please explain it a little better.

I know i still act like a youngster at times so I need a better starting point befor I say much
terryl965 said:
At what time in a person life is it to much and time to settle down to the masses, should one go as long as they can or should there be a age limit.

Age limit? No way. I have days where my body just won't do what I tell it do and it can get frustrating. Occasionally, I think about calling it quits. Right up until I get a mental image of an overweight, out of shape Gemini looking back and what I had and willingly gave up. Then it's back to training. Maybe I'm at the age where today won't be as good as yesterday was, but will always be better than the tomorrow retirement would bring.
tshadowchaser said:
Boy oh boy befor i answere that one please explain it a little better.

I know i still act like a youngster at times so I need a better starting point befor I say much

tshadowchaser I was ask when I thought my tournament careers would be over and my answer was twenty years ago, but then I do tournament every now and then so I guess it not over what age or limits should one have before they hang up the ideal for ever.
Had for me to answere then
i was forced to stop competing once by the GM of my system but 3 years later he allowed it again. Hell i still compete and play with the youngsters and im pushing 60
The words of a Toby Keith song comes to mind..........."I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was"......:)

Continued training is one thing, but continued competition is another. There's an OLD saying, "pride go-ith before a fall". Keep in mind that the body and the mind have seperate paths and they don't always meld. The body will tell you when it's time, even though the mind may be saying different. Just be smart enough to listen to the Ol' Bod....:ultracool
As far as competition, everyone competes for different reasons. They have a question that needs to be answered. How long it takes or what it involves is a personal thing. I had my own question. I competed until it was answered.
Gemini said:
As far as competition, everyone competes for different reasons. They have a question that needs to be answered. How long it takes or what it involves is a personal thing. I had my own question. I competed until it was answered.

Gemini I do not believe I'm looking for any answers my reasoning is simple they have the senior executive and since they are my age and wieght, I figure why not some times, believe me I cannot do more thanone a year and that is getting to much for the bones.
terryl965 said:
At what time in a person life is it to much and time to settle down to the masses, should one go as long as they can or should there be a age limit.

Compete as long as you feel you're still competitive. Adjust what you compete in as you age. I know this is a TKD forum but move on to internal competitions if you still feel that need but can no longer go with the younger crowd.
Dont change man so long as you are enthusiastic about it keep doing it. There is no age limit, so long as you like tourneys I say keep at it.
I just turned 31, and I still compete (I'm a forms and breaking geek). In fact, there's a tourny 2/25, I believe. I'm definitely going. I beat teens at the last tourny on pure technique (I was the only 30 something for our rank that competed), so my tourny "career" isn't over yet ;)

There is a 60 something women in our dojang that still competes (she's also a forms geek, though ... no sparring for her ... bad knees). Plus a few 50 somethings that do spar and still win.

So, when my body says "Enough with the breaking," I'll probably still do forms well into my 50's or 60's.
terryl965 said:
At what time in a person life is it to much and time to settle down to the masses, should one go as long as they can or should there be a age limit.

In what way to you mean go as long as they can? Do you mean performing at peak performance? Well, after 30-35, the peak is going downhill no matter what we do. We can always just do only what are bodies are capable. Mind over matter can only go so far. But teaching can go on as long as we have our minds. And then, also as long as we have a challenge. One challenge is to teach those younger minds and bodies. The other challenge is to learn/teach ourselves if is possible to challenge your body to function in TKD. If that isn't there anymore... Let me know if there is wheelchair TKD. TW
terryl965 said:
At what time in a person life is it to much and time to settle down to the masses, should one go as long as they can or should there be a age limit.

Like many others, I think that as one progresses on the journey, different things are priorities. When I was just starting out in TKD, I enjoyed training because I was learning something new. Then I progressed through a phase where I enjoyed competing. As I got older, I focused on refereeing and coaching...that's where I'm at now. I continue to discover new things about techniques I've practiced for years. The journey continues!


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