When is the right time to fight?



I ask this question trying to get a general concensus of when the right time is. Sometimes I see things or hear about things from my friends that I believe are not right and I wonder to myself is it my place to intercede.I was just wondering when the martial artists of this forum think it is the right time to fight.
sasquatchnaruto said:
I ask this question trying to get a general concensus of when the right time is. Sometimes I see things or hear about things from my friends that I believe are not right and I wonder to myself is it my place to intercede.I was just wondering when the martial artists of this forum think it is the right time to fight.
Right as soon as you feel like they have done anything threatining (show preassault ques) or your space has been violated in a threatining manner
when you or someone you are responsible for are in imminent physical danger, and you can't remove yourself from the situation...

just feeling "threatened" isn't reason enough to attack...if you're threatened...leave...simpler, quicker, and a pretty easy technique to execute
thank you I appreciate the comments.
bignick said:
when you or someone you are responsible for are in imminent physical danger, and you can't remove yourself from the situation...

just feeling "threatened" isn't reason enough to attack...if you're threatened...leave...simpler, quicker, and a pretty easy technique to execute
I am in full and complete agreement with this assesment. A martial artist must always be aware of their liability. Follow bignick's code, and you should have nothing to worry about.

Just spend some time thinking and reflecting on the true meaning of the term "self defense". The answer will become clear.
Again thank you for your help I had reached the conclusion at the time, but wanted a second assesment, the situation was very stressful but oh well time for party:partyon:
Each student and the instructor of each student will detrimend the right time for that individual not everybody learns the same, has to be judge on there merit and not everybody elses....
Like myagi said rules for karate.

Rule number 1 "karate is for defense only"

Rule number 2 "When in doubt see rule number 1"
bignick said:
when you or someone you are responsible for are in imminent physical danger, and you can't remove yourself from the situation...

just feeling "threatened" isn't reason enough to attack...if you're threatened...leave...simpler, quicker, and a pretty easy technique to execute
I would like to add something to this...
There are times when leaving is not an option. Something precludes you from escape. At times like that, when you can articulate why you felt you or another were in imminent physical danger. They key is being able to justify a pre emptive strike with "resonable necessity". You must be able to show why what you did was necessary, and how it was resonable. This means that for self defense, you get away as soon as possible, not stick around to give the guy a couple of well deserved kicks to the ribs.

Also, a real key is to be able to express why you were afraid. This goes with the "resonable necessity" too...what did the other guy do that made you afraid. It doesn't sound macho to admit fear, but it does give a strong legal defense if you start out by saying, "I was in fear for my safety, and this is why."

http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/stats/609/06.html This link goes to the statute for the state of MN regarding use of force. I would strongly encourage you to check your state statutes to find out if they allow for a pre emptive strike or not.
I have a few rules I try to live by

walk away or run if poss
never turn your back on a coward
and the guy says im gonna clobber him because he just made up his mind to clobber you
I agree with the consensus.

There is NEVER a "right time," to fight, especially since about 98% of the time fights could have been nipped in the bud.

However, there are times when you're stuck with it.
IamBaytor said:
I would like to add something to this...
There are times when leaving is not an option. Something precludes you from escape. At times like that, when you can articulate why you felt you or another were in imminent physical danger. They key is being able to justify a pre emptive strike with "resonable necessity". You must be able to show why what you did was necessary, and how it was resonable. This means that for self defense, you get away as soon as possible, not stick around to give the guy a couple of well deserved kicks to the ribs.

Also, a real key is to be able to express why you were afraid. This goes with the "resonable necessity" too...what did the other guy do that made you afraid. It doesn't sound macho to admit fear, but it does give a strong legal defense if you start out by saying, "I was in fear for my safety, and this is why."

http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/stats/609/06.html This link goes to the statute for the state of MN regarding use of force. I would strongly encourage you to check your state statutes to find out if they allow for a pre emptive strike or not.
These are called preassault ques
IMO, after you've done everything that you can to avoid the confrontation.

IamBaytor said:
http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/stats/609/06.html This link goes to the statute for the state of MN regarding use of force. I would strongly encourage you to check your state statutes to find out if they allow for a pre emptive strike or not.
I agree, check your state statutes. Being from Texas I draw the line where Texas says use of force is justifiable (PC §9.03).
only fight when you personally feel treatened evedrything else can be solved with words
When your own life or someone else's is in danger. Or if someone wants a fight, and you have no other option ( i.e: tried resolving thye conflict peacefully, leave ,etc) but to fight, fight.
It is a matter of perception i believe. Personally if i see a way out, i'll take that option. If that option doesnt exist, then i will fight. However if i see someone being beaten, I believe i would step in but only to separate the person being assaulted from the danger.
Only when you believe you MUST, and all other options are failures or negated, should you "fight".
But when you do, do it with all you've got to insure it is done immediately and with maximum effect..
I'm NOT saying "Kill", I'm saying make an abrupt and decisive end to it so that neither you nor they go further than need demands.
But once you are "in it", don't do anything half-way.

Your Brother
PS: To have what I said put in a nut shell, refer to the last 'quote' that I have here on my tag by Roosevelt.
It's appropriate.