rmcrobertson said:
1. Please cite an instance in which in would be OK by you to have the State step in and make decisions of comparable importance about their health and their testicles for men.
Like what, for instance? Lets hear an example, and i'll deal with it.
rmcrobertson said:
2. If you write something such as, "when does a woman's right to murder her child end," you're pretty much saying that any and all abortion is murder. It's not a real question, but a rhetorical one.
I knew that would get your goat, robertson. The more pointed question is "at what point does it become murder?"
rmcrobertson said:
3. Incidentally, the way you guys are arguing would outlaw not only any and all abortion, but any and all contraception.
No it wouldn't. Sperm and Ova are not human life, that argument is asinine in the extreme. The fact is, in this argument we can set the definite boundary of what is NOT human life at sperm and ova, and the boundary of what definitely IS human life at a live birth child. Now, there is considerable gray area in between. Lets here an argument about that, not some absurdity about sperm and ova. I'm not arguing anything, merely asking questions at any rate. Sorry asking at what point it comes murder is a difficult question, but it seemed of relavent.
rmcrobertson said:
4. Since all ya got to support your claims are religious and philosophical arguments unsupported by science (a 1982 textbook? c'mahn...and by the way, "brain waves," don't tell you jack...MICE have "brain waves" what'll it be next--"The Silent Scream," hokum?), gee, maybe, just maybe, this is a religious and philosophical issue in which the State has no business.
Really, and what scietific evidence have you presented? Do you have some scientific evidence to show at what point human life begins? Or is this another one of those famous sidesteps to avoid even discussing it?
rmcrobertson said:
5. In the current political climate, the people pushing hardest to deny women their rights to reproduction just happen to be--surprise, surprise, surprise!--right-wing religious wackos and right-wing politicans like Henry Hyde. Congrats on your allies.
Well, i'm not Henry Hyde or a right-wing religious wacko, so just deal with who you're arguing with, not the same old ad hominem's I keep seeing in many of your posts.
rmcrobertson said:
6. I happen to think that these decisions ought to be left to the women directly involved, who can be trusted at least as much as Bible-thumping preachers, right-wing politicians, clinic bombers, assassins of doctors, and the rest of the panoply of Taliban who panic at the very thought of a world in which women make their own choices, just like human beings do.
At what point should it NOT be a woman's decision. Since a woman has to care for young infants, should she not have the right to post natal abortion, infanticide. I mean, if we're pro-choice, why not pro-choice all the way. I do like your clever "You're just afraid of women" argument, predictable but clever. Also clever was your backhanded attempt to call all those who disagree with you "Bible-thumping preachers, right-wing politicians, clinic bombers, assassins of doctors, and the rest of the panoply of Taliban", very clever. At least you didn't call me a Fascist again (or fascist small "f").