When an author leaves cliffhangers


Senior Master
Aug 14, 2013
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Sometimes an author of great books might leave cliffhangers with some of the characters, as to what happens to them and so forth. This can be frustrating but their books are still great works of art.
Well for this one author, the cliffhangers in his book will never be resolved, at least not by the author since unfortunately the author is dead and has been for over 50 years.
It's a good way to sell a sequel by not finishing a story so fans have to buy the new book
Well for this one author, the cliffhangers in his book will never be resolved, at least not by the author since unfortunately the author is dead and has been for over 50 years.

Sounds like he needs a ghost writer.
I am talking about the author Jack although Jack was not his real name it was just a nickname.
I am talking about the author Jack although Jack was not his real name it was just a nickname.
Jack whom? What's the book? The only dead Jack author I can think of is Jack Kerouac, but as far as I know none of his books were cliffhangers.
Jack whom? What's the book? The only dead Jack author I can think of is Jack Kerouac, but as far as I know none of his books were cliffhangers.

Well the Jack Im talking about wrote a bunch of books and book series. The particular series that Im talking about, one of the characters, Susan, her fate is left unresolved.
Well the Jack Im talking about wrote a bunch of books and book series. The particular series that Im talking about, one of the characters, Susan, her fate is left unresolved.

It can't be that good when you don't remember the author's surname, the titles of the books or the character's names.
Is there some bizarre reason you don't want to give the name or series?

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Jack Lewis and his character Susan, her fate is left at a cliffhanger. He was going to write a book which comes to a conclusion about her but unfortunately he died before he wrote it.
The only Jack Lewis I can find who is/was an author is this one, which sounds unlikely as he's not dead!. Jack Lewis (author) - Wikipedia

There's nothing stopping you using your imagination and using the clues in the book to make your own ending for characters.
Really? Is this what this is about?

You're upset that CS Lewis, who took the nickname "Jacksie", later "Jack", after his dog who was killed when he was 4, and was known as such to his friends and family, but not as an author nom de plume, died in 1963, and never got around to the book where he continued the story of Susan Pevensie, second eldest of the Pevensie children from the Chronicles of Narnia series, showing her adventures after 1949? Really?

Dude. He died 54 years ago. I think it's time you accepted that he's not going to tell you what happened to her.

And what was so difficult about saying that was the book and author you were complaining about?

Really? Is this what this is about?

You're upset that CS Lewis, who took the nickname "Jacksie", later "Jack", after his dog who was killed when he was 4, and was known as such to his friends and family, but not as an author nom de plume, died in 1963, and never got around to the book where he continued the story of Susan Pevensie, second eldest of the Pevensie children from the Chronicles of Narnia series, showing her adventures after 1949? Really?

Dude. He died 54 years ago. I think it's time you accepted that he's not going to tell you what happened to her.

And what was so difficult about saying that was the book and author you were complaining about?

Thank you.
Ah it was CS Lewis. Thank you Chris..

He didn't get around to writing what happened to Susan because he had finished the series and never intended to write another book about Narnia. The last book was 'The Last Battle' and it told of the end of Narnia and finished the series so I'm afraid it was intentional that you don't know what happened to Susan the only survivor of the train crash. The book was written in 1956. The series ends with the revelation that it was only the beginning of the true story, "which goes on forever, and in which every chapter is better than the one before." but he didn't intend to write any more and of course he didn't so it's entirely false to say he died before writing what happened to Susan.

PS I think only his friends called him 'Jack' it would be respectful to call him CS Lewis or Mr. Lewis if he means that much. He's know in the UK as CS Lewis not Jack Lewis.
i think he didnt want to say it was Narnia because it is sometimes viewed as a kids book and didnt want to have his chops busted.