What's your flavor of sword fighting?

Andrew Green

MTS Alumni
Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
Winnipeg MB
So who fences?

Personally it's been a while, but I've done some foil fencing and spent some time doing Kendo.
I took a fencing class back in college, but I stunk big time. I still remember one of the last classes, where we all squared off against each other for extra credit. My record that day? Something like 1-17. As in I only won one match and lost the rest. Pathetic. Don't get me wrong; I still had fun in that class. I think I prefer saber to foil. Foil's too...boring. Saber's a lot more fun.

There is (or was) a fencing academy in Philly; I was tempted more than once to join, but didn't have the money.
Ok..semi-related to the topic.. I haven't fenced in years and when I did I found it fun but a little limiting given my background in the Filipino Arts (I kept wanting to check the hand and such! *grin*). But the other day I heard an interview on CBC Radio with this group:


It sounds like a LOT of fun! They try and practice "realistic" swordplay not fencing! How cool would that be for a bunch os swashbuckling Martial Artists!?!?! *evil grin* They have a sister school in Washington as well:


How much fun would that be to try! *evil grin* Wonder if a bunch of us could get a discount rate?

Phadrus00 said:
Ok..semi-related to the topic.. I haven't fenced in years and when I did I found it fun but a little limiting given my background in the Filipino Arts (I kept wanting to check the hand and such! *grin*). But the other day I heard an interview on CBC Radio with this group:


It sounds like a LOT of fun! They try and practice "realistic" swordplay not fencing! How cool would that be for a bunch os swashbuckling Martial Artists!?!?! *evil grin* They have a sister school in Washington as well:


How much fun would that be to try! *evil grin* Wonder if a bunch of us could get a discount rate?


That's pretty cool; *real* European swordplay is VERY different from today's fencing, which does have roots in rapier fighting. I don't know if there are any WMA schools in my area, though.
I started fencing in college as well, I love the sport though I am not very good, too many years in contact sports made me too agressive. Oddly enough my favorite weapon was the epee which is usually taken by the most finesse oriented fencers, but I really wasn't that bad at it. I have not been able to pursue it much in years because of money, and being in the navy really does not help much either but I would definitely get back into it again if situations permitted it.
I took a fencing class back in college, but I stunk big time.... Pathetic. Don't get me wrong; I still had fun in that class.

Me too. One college class thirty some years ago. And I stunk too. But it was fun!

Later, in the 80s I practiced Eskrima for a number of years, had to stop, but started up again a year ago. Nowdays I'm a high school ceramics teacher. A colleague of mine, who teaches history here at the high school, got permission to start a rapier fencing club. He explained that it involved cuts as well as thrusts and you moved freely, angling and off-lining just like Eskrima. Plus, I could actually whale on the students who annoyed me! Now how could I pass that up?

The only problem...I still really suck at it. Even with the freer rules, it is a finesse art. And I'm 53 and slow. Try to go against a 17-year old with lighting reflexes, long reach and springy legs. It's tough. Or was until we stated trying "Espada y Daga: and double-sword. The high school kids just got confused, but I know how to use both hands pretty well from my eskrima days. Finally, I kicked some booty! And my new sword just arrived by UPS. Next practice is tomorrow and I'm psyched!
Well, i went from eastern arts to Foil and Sabre. Heavily classically influenced dry sport fencing. Got into historical WMA fencing after I got out of the university.

These days my focus is rapier - Saviolo and Thibault. And mixed weapons systems of knife fighting, sidesword, sword and buckler and longsword as taught my Morozzo.

There are several online sources for finding a school in your area. One of the best is probably the one run by Kim Moser
There is also a practice partner finder area over at swordforum.

Depending on what in particular you are wanting to study there are a number of people who will travel and teach seminars by request. We have one coming up here in Portland Oregon in April and I am teaching one in Twin Falls Idaho later the same month.