What's your Dragon Color

Originally posted by Cthulhu
I got gold.

I demand a recount.



you could convert / capture more in the guise of a gold ragon. They would trust you! :D
Mighty Cthulhu believes the old ways work best. Driving them stark raving mad before they are consumed has worked for millenia. If it ain't broke, why fix it?


Originally posted by Cthulhu
Mighty Cthulhu believes the old ways work best. Driving them stark raving mad before they are consumed has worked for millenia. If it ain't broke, why fix it?



Yet, the paranoid types like me that study photography and architecture and explosives, so I can just nuke the building I am afraid of and or see evidence of your presence. :shrug: :eek:
It says that I am a Silver Dragon. Thought that was pretty cool.

Your Inner Dragon is to dragons what the Ranger is to humans. Silvers are one of three types of metallic dragon, the others being Gold and Copper. Like all metallics, Silvers rigidly adhere to an internal code of conduct. Unlike the other two metallics, however, this code is not universal. Each Silver must develop their code individually, a fact which explains their unique dispositions and actions. Silvers are often considered outcasts or shadows dwelling on the periphery of dragon culture (much like human Rangers), but they can always be counted upon to speak the truth and help their allies. Because no one but a Silver knows what they'll do next, their alignment is "Chaotic Neutral."

Being a Silver isn't all shady head-games, though. You possess considerable intelligence and self-confidence (whether they manifest themselves or not), and given the opportunity could make a great leader. Magic isn't really your bag, but you're awfully good at slipping in and out of a situation or conflict undetected. Which, by the way, may be due to your slightly-below-average size more than anything else. Your favorable attributes are dependability, durability, problem-solving, mist, fog, silver, and pewter. Like your human counterpart - the Ranger - you're a superb weapons user and have an especially good command of your icy breath weapon. Just keep in mind that even your friends may find your ethics hard to accept from time to time.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
I AM the GoldenDragon..... King of all the Dragons! So chill & enjoy, before I recount you to a neutral dragon.


As a little dragon wannabe. I humbley bow to the all mighty Goldendragon!!!!!!:asian: :asian: :asian:
If there ever was an apparition of Evil to strike terror into the hearts of man and beast, your Inner Dragon is it. Blackies are a fairly common dragon and are considered one of two harmonious dragons. Your antithesis is the White Dragon. Together, you two embody the Yin and Yang concept of eastern religions (especially Taoism).

But of course, being a Blackie on the inside you couldn't care less about that religion garbage. You like to chomp things, cause trouble, make off with people's significant others, and so on and so forth. Your favorable attributes are night, the Moon, the stars, dreams, psychic guidance, balancing Karma, seeking truth, and helpful dark magic. Everybody's still got to watch out for you though, because deep down you like to smite at random and have a nasty breath weapon combination of Fire and Acid. *evil grin* Fun, no?


I Liked this quiz!
uhm.. gold dragon, the site says that the platinum dragon is king of all the dragons...
Originally posted by sweeper
uhm.. gold dragon, the site says that the platinum dragon is king of all the dragons...
But it is obvioulsy propoganda, there is no way for you to take the test and get platinum.....I am sooooooo tempted to make a smartassed comment about certain organizations here.....
Originally posted by Seig
But it is obvioulsy propoganda, there is no way for you to take the test and get platinum.....I am sooooooo tempted to make a smartassed comment about certain organizations here.....

Now tell us how you really feel.

That was incredibly interesting...hower it indicated that I am a "Black Dragon". As anyone can plainly see...I am of course a Red Dragon.

Red rules- but as much as you amy WISH you were me, it can never happen, so take your sad wittle black dragon self into the shadow I cast on the ground....
Red rules- but as much as you amy WISH you were me, it can never happen, so take your sad wittle black dragon self into the shadow I cast on the ground....

Mine came back Pink with Yellow Polka Dots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:rofl: :rofl:

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