What's your connection to the Chung Do Kwan?


Master of Arts
It seems like there's more than a few Tae Kwon Doists on this board that are affiliated with the Chung Do Kwan in some way, so I figured perhaps we should dedicate a thread to talking about it. (Even if you've stated it elsewhere before.) Some are part of the current day kwan (and the WTF along with it), some train under an organization or school that practices "Chung Do Kwan style" TKD (like me :wavey: ), and some may be affiliated in other ways. Tell us how. (Perhaps we can even compare the differences and similarities in our training.)

As for myself, I train under the World Tae Kwon Do Association, whose president and grandmaster is Duk Sung Son. Mr. Son was the 2nd head of the Chung Do Kwan (from 1951-1956 I believe), and a personal student of Won Kuk Lee (the CDK's founder for those not in the know).

Howabout you?
i am a student of chung do kwan in the UK we are under the BTCB (british taekwondo control board) and also the world taekwondo federation.

the style that i do is WTF. the forms that we do are called taequks and each one is called Il Jang, Ee Jang, Sam Jang, Sah Jang, Oh Jang, Yuk Jang, Chil Jang and Pal Jang.

We also do self defence, sparring and TKD moves individually to practice them.

I am only yellow belt but have only been doing it for a few months.
Aw come on now, I know there's more of us on this board than just terry and me. Come on people, where you all hidin' at?
I passed my 1st to 3rd Dan Kukkiwon under GM Lee, Soo Kwang 9th Dan who is the grading examiner for the Polish TKD Federation. I once asked him about the kwan he comes from and he answered "Chung Do Kwan". This is, however, my only relation to CDK as he never made any special advertising about it. Besides, we parted ways a while ago... ;)

My Chung Do Kwan line doe's the Chang-Hun form's(I.T.F.), Since alot of the old C.D.K. guy's wen't with the Oh Do Kwan(I.T.F.). It's good to see some Chung Do Kwan on this board. Mithios
Aha! Got a couple more of you! Thanks for posting. :)

I neglected earlier to mention the sets of forms we use (though I've mentioned it elsewhere). We practice the Korean versions of the Japanese forms that were part of CDK until the introduction of the Palgue forms. The Pyong-an (Pinan) series, the Chul-gi (Nianchi) series, Pal-sek (Bassai), etc. We also practice the first two forms of the Kukmu series, which were created by GM Son. The other four Kukmu's are are optional, and have been rarely practiced for some time. I don't know exactly why that is however (but I have a guess).
My Instructor's Instructor, GM Woon Gyu Uhm, is Chung Do Kwan head, as well as Kukkiwon President. I know I've mentioned it before, but hey, you asked.
Incidentally, I've never met GM Uhm, but several of our Instructors have, with the pictures to prove it.
We hold to CDK with a loose affiliation with the WTF.
GM Ahn chong ho 9th dan(spelling could be wrong, I havent looked in a while)
M John Crawford 6th dan
Steve Habib 5th dan
Robert Payne 2nd dan(me)
My understanding is that CDK is one of the harder forms of tkd, meaning deeper stances and more torque power than snap power, though we practice all aspects.
I wanted to add that GM Ahn was an instructor for the ROK army earlier in his career and has held a position on the board in the Kukkiwon.
Han-Mi said:
We hold to CDK with a loose affiliation with the WTF.
GM Ahn chong ho 9th dan(spelling could be wrong, I havent looked in a while)
M John Crawford 6th dan
Steve Habib 5th dan
Robert Payne 2nd dan(me)
My understanding is that CDK is one of the harder forms of tkd, meaning deeper stances and more torque power than snap power, though we practice all aspects.
That's certainly the way we always practiced it. We never did snap kicks in class, only thrust kicks. And our Grandmaster is/was always adamant about using enough waist action in every technique. Watching him attack techniques was like watching a force of nature.
Probably one of the reasons we never did Taegeuk forms. I don't think he liked walking stances as part of color belt form. He felt color belt was the time to strengthen the body and legs for black belt, and didn't feel Taegeuk forms really did that.
MichiganTKD said:
My Instructor's Instructor, GM Woon Gyu Uhm, is Chung Do Kwan head, as well as Kukkiwon President. I know I've mentioned it before, but hey, you asked.
Incidentally, I've never met GM Uhm, but several of our Instructors have, with the pictures to prove it.
I didn't meet him personally, but I had a picture taken with GM UHM, Woon Kyu.

MichiganTKD said:
That's certainly the way we always practiced it. We never did snap kicks in class, only thrust kicks. And our Grandmaster is/was always adamant about using enough waist action in every technique.

In our training, there is one snap kick that we perform. Our front kick is perfromed with an upward snapping motion, impacting with the ball of the foot. To generate more power, we lean forward into the kick, rather than using the kind of waist-action we use in our other techniques. The thrusting front kick impacts with the bottom of the heel, correct?
My Connection,

My father was an Oh Do Kwan instructor and held certification through the Chung Do Kwan as well. Also, his Oh Do Kwan cert was issued by Hyun Jong Myun previously of the Chung Do Kwan~


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