Whats your carry knife and how do you carry it?

Then it's not the fault of the cops. Blame properly lies with first the Lawmakers and Politicians for enacting the laws and second with the Voters who put them there and then allowed (even encouraged) them to make said laws.

Cops are the "Tail" end of the problem, not the "Tooth" end.

Peace favor your sword,

True, but while they are the mindless enforcers of lawmakers who will destroy my life, they are my enemy.
True, but while they are the mindless enforcers of lawmakers who will destroy my life, they are my enemy.
Dude, then everyone along the 'blame path' is your "enemy."

I don't think you're going to get very far in life with that many "enemies."

Maybe you're just trolling me. <shrug> Whatever the case, I don't see this conversation going much further.

Peace favor your sword,
Dude, then everyone along the 'blame path' is your "enemy."

I don't think you're going to get very far in life with that many "enemies."

Maybe you're just trolling me. <shrug> Whatever the case, I don't see this conversation going much further.

Peace favor your sword,

I wasn't posting for conversation, just to put across my point of view - and I don't say that with disrespect. I understand some people will simply hold a different perspective to me.

And yes, you are correct, I perceive everybody whom conspires to work against my freedom to be an enemy - to my freedom, and in turn, myself.


How else should they be viewed, then, really? Friends?
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I wasn't posting for conversation, just to put across my point of view - and I don't say that with disrespect. I understand some people will simply hold a different perspective to me.

And yes, you are correct, I perceive everybody whom conspires to work against my freedom to be an enemy - to my freedom, and in turn, myself.


How else should they be viewed, then, really? Friends?
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

Peace favor your sword,
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

Peace favor your sword,

An interestingly true maxim!

Though really: their intent, be it based on malice or simply stupidity, doesn't make a circumstantial difference. I understand that a lot of LEOs actually think they're doing a world of good when busting a 60 year old man for growing medicinal cannabis, or busting a vulnerable woman for carrying a knife.

All the same, these LEOs still act as enemy, seeing the damage that they are prepared to do to your life. My noddle and knowledge of Game Theory simply tells me to avoid police like the plague.
I carry a spyderco waved delica in both front pockets. Plain edged. Easy, fast access for the RGEI training I've done with either hand.

I found that when I put some denim over a roast and tried to do some cut tests that the serrations caught on the denim and prevented me from getting as deep a cut as a plain edge on the same fabric. YMMV.

kai, what is the law in your area? Look it up on your state attorney generals website (assuming you live in US), don't just ask some friends "who know", or LEO's. In my experience, 90% of the advice I've gotten from people, including police officers, was NOT the law. Find out what the laws are, if it's different from the common knowledge spouted off by everyone you know, print them out with the code number for your state and carry them with you. If you run into a police officer ignorant of the law, show them what the laws say. If you are legally allowed to carry a knife, then you're legally allowed to carry one. If you're not, or they have a set of conditions on what you can carry and how, follow those conditions and the police will have no reason to bother you. If knives aren't legal in your area, look at what legal self defense options you have, (pepper spray, taser, firearm, etc).

Like them or not, the police are there to protect the public and enforce the laws of society. That 60 year old man growing medicinal cannibus, I assume he didn't have a license to do so legally? That vulnerable woman carrying the knife, was the knife legally carried or fit into a set of legal parameters (size, length, etc)? Police don't make up the laws they have to enforce. I know some officers that hate the laws they have to enforce and think them horrible, but if they don't do their job, they get fired and can face their own legal consequences. If the laws are not to your liking, write your local representatives and call them to try to get them changed. You'd be surprised how many of them will actually talk to the public. I've actually spoken to the governor of my state on a bill that was coming up for vote a few years back when I called his office. Imagine my surprise when the governor bothered to speak to a nobody like me (blue collar job, no political connections or ties) when I bothered to call. Get enough like minded people to bother them with well reasoned arguments and things happen. If they don't make the changes, vote them out of office next term.

Don't hate the police for having to enforce the things the politicians make them, and don't fear them for the same things. Work towards getting them changed.
kai, what is the law in your area? Look it up on your state attorney generals website (assuming you live in US), don't just ask some friends "who know", or LEO's. In my experience, 90% of the advice I've gotten from people, including police officers, was NOT the law. Find out what the laws are, if it's different from the common knowledge spouted off by everyone you know, print them out with the code number for your state and carry them with you. If you run into a police officer ignorant of the law, show them what the laws say. If you are legally allowed to carry a knife, then you're legally allowed to carry one. If you're not, or they have a set of conditions on what you can carry and how, follow those conditions and the police will have no reason to bother you. If knives aren't legal in your area, look at what legal self defense options you have, (pepper spray, taser, firearm, etc).

Like them or not, the police are there to protect the public and enforce the laws of society. That 60 year old man growing medicinal cannibus, I assume he didn't have a license to do so legally? That vulnerable woman carrying the knife, was the knife legally carried or fit into a set of legal parameters (size, length, etc)? Police don't make up the laws they have to enforce. I know some officers that hate the laws they have to enforce and think them horrible, but if they don't do their job, they get fired and can face their own legal consequences. If the laws are not to your liking, write your local representatives and call them to try to get them changed. You'd be surprised how many of them will actually talk to the public. I've actually spoken to the governor of my state on a bill that was coming up for vote a few years back when I called his office. Imagine my surprise when the governor bothered to speak to a nobody like me (blue collar job, no political connections or ties) when I bothered to call. Get enough like minded people to bother them with well reasoned arguments and things happen. If they don't make the changes, vote them out of office next term.

Don't hate the police for having to enforce the things the politicians make them, and don't fear them for the same things. Work towards getting them changed.

Hey dude,

I'm actually from the UK - and knives are definitely illegal here.

I can also say, given press and popular attitudes over here in the UK, the massively negative media focus on "knife crime" (knives are very much associated with gangs over here) that this is incredibly unlikely to change any time soon. Unfortunately, the way the law works over here is actually really quite different to the US - without distinct states and their own distinct laws, no changes over here really tend to get "trialled", so much of everything pretty much remains the same, really..

It's certainly noble and a sound suggestion for me to try to get things changed. I have tried this with cannabis (a different issue altogether), and by the end, I really just found that it only served to make me more bitter about the world I live in. I've really just came to the unfortunate conclusion of "I'll do my own thing, and keep my stuff to myself, everyone else can do whatever they want". On that note, the cannabis activism has a much stronger support base, strong arguments and weaker public opposition - yet in the UK, it has still gotten absolutely nowhere. Knife law is a most certain dead end here. And even if there was a remote chance of things changing there, I wouldn't want to spend most of my life trying to achieve that, makes more sense to me to just get on with my own business - I'll live to my own law, and steer clear of those who want to impose theirs onto me.

I understand the purpose of the police, don't get me wrong, and like I say, I'm sure most of them believe they're doing a great job, even when they're doing things I highly disagree with. All I'm noting about them is that their objectives at some points contradict mine, and they're willing to ruin my life to win - so I really can't have any time for them if I want to keep on living the way I do.
In the UK it is illegal to be carrying them; if that wasn't the case, I wouldn't be worrying about the cops in the first place :)


If my M&P 9c is in appendix carry, than I have an Emerson CQC 11 in my right pocket. If the M&P is at 4-5ish than I have a RAT-3 (ESSE) mounted in a modified Kydex sheath at 11 o clock (for both strong and support hand draw).

Both are plain edge, for the reason mentioned earlier in the thread.
most days I carry a Kershaw Cyclone, half serrated tanto tip, speed assist, right(dominant hand) front pocket
I actually carry 3 blades on me regularly...one $5 Wal-Mart special used only for cutting boxes open at work, or the occasional fruit; one Swiss Army Knife with screwdrivers, saw, and scissors; but my defense knife is a Cold Steel Counter-Tac II bootknife which stays in my right cargo pocket if I'm not carrying my handgun or in the left cargo pocket if I am carrying that day. And its clipped in a way that makes it VERY easy to grab if I need to. Once I lose my fat belly i can wear it around my neck like its supposed to be worn...
i have several CRKT knives. So its usually one of them. in my jeans pocket , or a small one clipped onmy waistband when out jogging. If I cant have it in my pocket that small one is in my purse/bag/whatever im carrying with me.
I carry a Gerber folder 1/2 serrated (can't remember the model, but it fits well in my hand and is very smooth) in my front left pocket as I usually carry a firearm on my right side. Want weak side if I am in a gun retention situation. Weak side access takes practice, but can save your life if you are put in this scenario. cant draw a blade and retain your sidearm with the same hand. I feel that carrying an additional blade on your strong side just gives the bad guy something else to go for. Just something to think about. If you do carry additional knives, think about carrying where they cannot be seen.

Great option K831. This seems like a viable option for someone in kiai's situation. I know I am interested in a Tuff-writer. Very cool.

the Ka-Bar TDI knife is a nice knife, if you get the standard model (picture below) is a great option for carrying on a belt, under an over shirt, or tucked somewhere else you prefer. I'd not want to wear it off the neck for a long period of time.


I like the tdi last ditch knife for neck carry as it is very light and small profile, however if your fingers are big it can be a little uncomfortable but I feel safe using it



The cold steel super edge knife is also a neck carry option, but it can be a bit bulky for hiding under a shirt

I train with several knives. I'll carry a good knife/tool when in the woods walking my dog. But otherwise, I usually carry a small Swiss Army pocketknife. And it's handle is pink.
I do this with appearing in court in mind. It gives me an edge. (yes, pun intended)
I also carry a firearm. But it's often difficult to shoot someone "just a little bit".
I currently carry a Kershaw speed safe tanto half serrerated in the rear pocket of my dominate hand. Sometimes I carry a Crkt M21-14SFG in my weak hand front pocket. What do you carry, where do you carry it and why?

I cant find a satisfatory carry knife that is strong, 4 inches, tanto, half serrated, with a lock BETTER than a linear lock. I will keep looking and hope to eventully find something.

My everyday carry in an edged weapon has been a Spyderco Edura with a fully serrated blade. I've carried that same knife now daily for 17 years and it is just as sharp as the day I bought it new. I will occasionally (rarely) switch it out for my Cold Steel Voyager Tanto with full serrations. It is just a tad bigger, but it is one heck of a blade!

I almost always carry my off-duty firearm, I always carry my edged weapon!

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