Senior Master
I noticed today that Valuev lost his heavyweight title this weekend to Chagaev. The problem is, I have no clue who those guys are! I looked a bit, and I realized I had heard of Valuev, simply because he was so huge (and hairy!). I seem to recall a thread here on MT about him. So, I went and looked at all of the current champions. I realized I don't know hardly ANY of them! I used to know them all... well, at least the major ones. Can't honestly say I've known many straw-weight champs 
Got me wondering. It seems the world of boxing has changed. Its no longer that popular of a spectator sport. Why do you think that is? What do you think can be done to change things? Should boxing fade out and MMA type events replace them?
I think part of the problem is that boxing used to be filled with charasmatic fighters, people you enjoyed watching. Ali, Tyson, De La Hoya... dynamic personalities with superb fighting skills. Now, I can't even pronounce half of the fighters names, and its hard to present an "ali-esque" rant/personality to an American audience if you can't even speak english. With the possible exception of Trinidad, its hard to find non-english speakers that gain popularity in the US.
I think another part of the problem is the pay-per-view scheme... used to be the major fights were on public TV and easy to find. Now, you need to pay $50+ to see Tyson fight, and I've seen a few major prices for minor fighters (well, at least I don't even know their names). You have Friday Night Fights, but more often than not, its filled with journeymen and potential stars. You won't see a Tyson, De La Hoya show up. You -might- get an obscure belt or two or fallen champ, but thats about the extent of it. Even Stallones foray into reality TV with the Contender did not seem to create that much of a spark..
I dunno... whats the answer? Is boxing doomed to obscurity in the face of MMA? Can it be resurrected?
On a side note, isn't it strange that ESPN has boxing listed, but no other real martial events like UFC, K1, ISKA? Heck, they even have Little League and Horse Racing... Boxing has been relegated to one of those "more" sports LOL...

Got me wondering. It seems the world of boxing has changed. Its no longer that popular of a spectator sport. Why do you think that is? What do you think can be done to change things? Should boxing fade out and MMA type events replace them?
I think part of the problem is that boxing used to be filled with charasmatic fighters, people you enjoyed watching. Ali, Tyson, De La Hoya... dynamic personalities with superb fighting skills. Now, I can't even pronounce half of the fighters names, and its hard to present an "ali-esque" rant/personality to an American audience if you can't even speak english. With the possible exception of Trinidad, its hard to find non-english speakers that gain popularity in the US.
I think another part of the problem is the pay-per-view scheme... used to be the major fights were on public TV and easy to find. Now, you need to pay $50+ to see Tyson fight, and I've seen a few major prices for minor fighters (well, at least I don't even know their names). You have Friday Night Fights, but more often than not, its filled with journeymen and potential stars. You won't see a Tyson, De La Hoya show up. You -might- get an obscure belt or two or fallen champ, but thats about the extent of it. Even Stallones foray into reality TV with the Contender did not seem to create that much of a spark..
I dunno... whats the answer? Is boxing doomed to obscurity in the face of MMA? Can it be resurrected?
On a side note, isn't it strange that ESPN has boxing listed, but no other real martial events like UFC, K1, ISKA? Heck, they even have Little League and Horse Racing... Boxing has been relegated to one of those "more" sports LOL...