whats the most anyone of you would pay per month to be a member of a dojo

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I charge only $40 Canadian a month but that is because I run my schools out of community centres.

I pay $100 Canadian a month to train at a Muay Thai academy. This is the only place I would pay that kind of money.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
standard for kenpo in southern california seems to be between $65 and $100 per month.

lots of times, there is room for negotiation, though... because the instructor isn't losing money by including you in group classes; they're teaching them anyway, so its no extra time or money from them. its better for them to make an extra say $35.00 a month and have someone to wash mirrors and vacuum and do other stuff so they don't have to worry about it. if $ is a problem, especially if you've already established a training relationship with a particular instructor, talk it over with them, because most of the time they will find some way to work with you, recognizing that not all contributions to the dojo are monetary in nature. don't expect a free ride, though... if you can't give cash, you've got to offer time, effort, and energy instead.
I pay 60.00 per month for myself and two kids. I'm very happy with that. That's classes three times a week (2 hrs each time). Of course, testing and going to competitions and buying equipment is extra.

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