Whats better for kicking TKD or KENPO or Karate. Need to know

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Yes. It's important ,I think, to remember that most demos. are done to entertain the crowd.Flashy,spectacular movements do this well.athey usually don't represent MA at all.
Carbon, he didnt really say anything that bad towards you and you turn around with fists flying and call him a coward.....chill out young one, try not to repsond to everything by tearing their heads off. Once you get angry you always respond like 3 times worse than the original perceived insult.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Maybe because I don't have the luxury of no longer producing testoserone in my body like some of the older gentlemen here.

Lol, someday I'll say it to your face, after you just said its the internet and your here threatening a minor. Its funny how you think fighting will solve anything.

If your so disciplined from your MA then you should understand that an insult means nothing as I already have this concept at hand and I may sometimes respond in a aggressive manner but I do not threaten anyone with physical harm.

This is just my opinion on the matter and I'm free to post my opinions thats the general idea I get from this forum.

I'm sorry I didnt understand your last post. Were you talking to me? Because I'm trying to figure out if you just threatened to cause me bodily harm or you are insinuating that I did that to you. Please clear that up for me.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
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-MT Mod.-
Ack I see now that he was talking to Fissure I guess, but i don't see were he threatened a minor anywere.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Um, I'm a minor. Him implying that I wouldn't be calling him a coward if I was face to face with him is pretty much saying that he would attack me.

Or else I would see no other reason why I wouldn't call him a coward to his face unless I was in fear of getting into a confrontation with him.
Ya I know your a minor....how could I forget. I didn't think of what he said as a threat, more like a point that people are alot meaner on message boards than in real life. I bet your actually a nice kid in person.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
DAMN!!! Just as I complimented about this being such a good thread, it all goes to hell. I should have kept my big mouth shut so it would'nt be jinxed

Back on Topic, which is which style between tkd, kenpo or karate has the better kicks. Since the karate style was not specified, I would say that tkd has the most flashy kicks while kenpo has the most realistic ones. I'm not dissing tkd, as I think I said before, because I do love their kicks and wish I can do some of them. But since I'm not built that way, I make do with my kenpo and muay thai which are awesome styles.
That WTF clip is hosted by Washington State University TKD club.

Those are obviously Korean nationals in the clip. THe clip must have been produced by WTF in Korea.
I didnt see were the clip was from, I took some ITF TKD in University so was a little confused.

"I am sure you are familiar with this clip, as almost all ITF members would."

No I had never seen that clip but I have trained and hung out with a few of those guys in the video.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Thank you again Dr.Damian for trying to psycho analyze everyone you meet.

How do you think you can contimplate the vast personality's of everyone on earth if you can't even differenciate the words were and where.
1: I didn't know you where a minor, but I suppose I should have from your posts.
2:If I were going to threaten someone, I would simply do it.I mearly stated that if you were in front of me you wouldn't be calling me names - and you wouldn't.Infer what you will.
3:Is it possible that your "know it all attitude" is the problem?After all you seem to be having a similar problem on 2 threads with both me and Damian.Neither of us seems to like you telling us that what we do , is wrong, bescause of something you read.Try your theories out for yourself - then you will have a real world point of view.
Your trying to tell a carpenter the "right way to buid a house', based on what you read in a book.Meanwile he's been actually building houses for several decades.
4: you are so completley and utterly wrong about MT shin blocking, that disscussing it with you is pointless.
5: did you notice that there were 7 or 8 posts about something completely different, by 3 other people and then you lept right back in on Damian?i.e.
Thank you again Dr.Damian for trying to psycho analyze everyone you meet.

I'm sure that one of the helpful moderators will warn about 'playing nice', right after my post to Carbon as they have after Damian's posts to him.Strange considering Carbon is the only one calling people names.
Originally posted by fissure

I'm sure that one of the helpful moderators will warn about 'playing nice', right after my post to Carbon as they have after Damian's posts to him.Strange considering Carbon is the only one calling people names.

Warnings to individuals are sent by PM and/or e-mail. Warnings in threads are meant to bring down the general heat level and may be supplemented by private warnings. It's very unlikely that a mod. warning triggered by all participants in a thread but in most cases it is directed at all participants in a thread. We hope that those to whom it does not apply are not offended.

We also encourage our members to ignore--possibly using the Ignore feature, which automates the process--any user they find annoying.

-MT Admin-
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