What's a good range for instructors to charge for BB?

well, i have avoided this topic, but somethign happened last night thar made me realize i needed to speak my mind about this.

my kenpo BB tests? they cost money, but not huge amounts. around $100 or so, and I got a belt out of it. nothing special, no buffets, no party, just a belt and a cert

my TKD BB test? it was free, but I got NOTHING but the cert, i was expected to get my own belt. And I was also teaching a lot of classes at that point

my 2nd dan test was $150, my recent test was $300. That included a big party for everyone testing with great food, etc but my instructor made a lot of money on this test, since there was 5 people testing.

now for my students, I havnt decided which way to go yet. Underbelts I use a sliding scale for belt tests. As the tests get longer, they get more expensive, and it covers the cost of boards for breaking.

begs: $20
Intermediate: $30
Advanced: $40

for BB? I am not sure which way I want to go yet. If i charge for 1st dan It will be no more than $100. No testing fee will ever be more than $100 from me.

The trick is, if you charge a fee, AS LONG AS you are giving something of value for the money, it is fine,a nd if the students agrees that it is worth the cost. Then no one can complain.

if you are gonna charge, make it worth the cost, supply the belt, or a belt and a uniform. something like that.

Now since i will NEVER be a part fo a large org, I dont have to worry abotu that.
Also this may sound bad but some time price keep people whom you would rather not have in your school out. The people that are not really serious about training or the problem makers and the parent that uses your school as a day care. (limited days you can attend). And when people pay more I feel that they take their training more seriously and commit to training longer.

Your prices would keep me out of your dojo altogether. I pay for four of my children and myself. Single income, father of seven. The price I pay is a sacrifice for me. But it's way less than what you charge. That doesn't make what you do wrong. I'm happy for any business owner to be making it in this economy. If the students perceive that they are getting a good value, and you bring the goods, you are doing right by them.
Charge nothing. The student is already paying tuition to train at the school. Ranking should be part of the package, and not an extra charge.

for the instructor, this is simply part of the job.

I'm in agreement with this. If you are promoting a student to BB, they have been brown under you for some time (in most cases). As a brown belt, they have been doing a lot of teaching for you, probably unpaid. If they do a good job for you, their BB should be free IMO. Of course, some brown belts add to your program a lot more than others. So fine have a posted fee for the belt, but lower it based on your relationship with your student.
thats a valid point, i was never paid for teaching, so my browns can work off thier test fees by working

For those posting about students "Working Off test fees" you eed to know that you must be very careful how you structure this. I think there were some operations (albeit large ones) that got reamed up, down, and isdeways about this. all sorts of issue from govt. agencies about wages, taxees, and withholding andothe employment rules.
My BB test was $200.00. 100 to my instructor and 100 to his instructor for coming down to test me. After we had a pot luck dinner at another BB house where I bought and cooked the steaks for the testing board. There were only seven on the board.

I prefer the more "family" atmosphere rather than testing 200 people at once in front of a board you've never met, will never see again and don't really care who they are.
I charge a flat $15 for my students up to 1st Dan. At 1st Dan and up it goes to $35, to cover an embroidered belt.
Like TwinFist, I've avoided this discussion.

In years past, I've charged $150 for 1st dan. That gets the successful student their KKW dan certificate, an embroidered belt, and a black v-neck. I don't think I make much, if anything from the test, but then again, I've got a full-time job and I look at this as it is something the student has earned so I don't need to put up any roadblocks. The last test I administered, I charged an additional $50 for the 1st dan CDK certificate.

A friend of mine who is very senior to me (8th dan) said I should charge more. He told me he charges $250 and that gets the successful student a school dan certificate, an embroidered belt, and a new dobok. He charges additional fees for KKW certification.