What would you pay?


Master of Arts
Next year's US Open Hanmadang date and location has been set:
July 23-25, 2010 at the Schaumburg Rennaissance Convention Center in Schaumburg, IL.

I am wondering what people would consider a fair price for an entry fee. Please feel free to contribute thoughts such as group rates, family rates, ect. I am not sure if they are going to ask me to help again next year, but I would like to present some options that will be beneficial for both promoter and competitor. Thanks in advance for your input.
Are we able to spar this year? If so around $90.00 seems right, if not maybe $50.00.
our tournament fees range from 45 for forms/sparring to 75 for forms/sparring and freestyle. BB's are expected, even if not instructors, to be ready to do at least time/score keeping instructors judge for free (slave labor force)

90$ does sound ok
Wow, do you give solid gold trophies away? the average entry fee over here is a tenner (£10) which I put through the converter and it's $16! Fifteen pound ($24) is the dearest I've ever paid for entry and that was two classes each in kumite and kata. Being older meant I got two bites and could do the womens class and the exec one.
Are we able to spar this year? If so around $90.00 seems right, if not maybe $50.00.

It's my understanding that Hanmadang is more "traditional" and includes Forms and Breaking, without sparring.

I'd think $25 per event would be reasonable. Or better yet, $30 per event or $50 for both.
Reg fees = $75.00 for one event
Any additional events $25.00 each.

You could do a 2 event special for $85.00 but I do not know how many events you will have.

I know that when we participated in the actual Hamnadang that was in LA they had quite a few events.

Traditional singles Poomsae
Traditional Group Poomsae
Open (creative) Forms
Group Open (creative) Froms
Creative Breaking

So it all depends on how many events. The more the better becasue you can package deals but also have single prices that are a bit higher.
Doesn't it make it very expensive to compete if you have to travel, pay these high entry fees and maybe have to stay overnight if you have come far? I've never known any competition in any style that charges so much tbh. I don't know many here that could afford such high prices.
Doesn't it make it very expensive to compete if you have to travel, pay these high entry fees and maybe have to stay overnight if you have come far? I've never known any competition in any style that charges so much tbh. I don't know many here that could afford such high prices.

Yeah, but you pay what, $7 for a litre of petrol?
Doesn't it make it very expensive to compete if you have to travel, pay these high entry fees and maybe have to stay overnight if you have come far? I've never known any competition in any style that charges so much tbh. I don't know many here that could afford such high prices.

Welcome to the world of insanity. Nothing in life is free and the liability issues are legend.

One has to pay schools or churches to use their gyms (as if they don't already have enough perks) and you have to cover your a$$ets for any and all eventualities even cases of pure stupidity.

That cost money and it has to come from somewhere.
Didn't Illinois pass some dumb law about charging admission fees to a fighting event? I heard something about it but wasn't sure what it was. I know it was geared more toward MMA style comp, but it effected any type of fighting and fee for admission. I have a few contacts that have annual tourneys and they all cancelled them this year because of it.
Will that be one of the factors for you?

As for fees, anything that is considered a "major" event will/should run between $65 - $90. Obviously with size comes a higher entry due to venue, fees, insurance, etc.

no matter what you charge, you will always have people saying it was too much. So rather than focusing on a fee that will accomidate the masses, aim for a QUALITY event that will have people glad they went. Nothing I hate more than paying a $75 fee for a low budget, home grown tourney that has to use me and my people to run their event!
Didn't Illinois pass some dumb law about charging admission fees to a fighting event? I heard something about it but wasn't sure what it was. I know it was geared more toward MMA style comp, but it effected any type of fighting and fee for admission. I have a few contacts that have annual tourneys and they all cancelled them this year because of it.
Will that be one of the factors for you?

There was a bill that was passed that all sparring events, even sport karate and TKD would have to be sanctioned by the Illinois Boxing Committee or an approved sanctioning organization that the IBC approves. The AKA and a another organization was able to convince them that what we do and what MMA does are two different beasts. As such they are pretty much just leaving us alone. Regardless if it was still in effect, we would not be affected as there will be no sparring.

Ironicly the only way those people who got shut down was by someone else turning them in. That's right folks, we were busting our own. Love the MA unity.

no matter what you charge, you will always have people saying it was too much. So rather than focusing on a fee that will accomidate the masses, aim for a QUALITY event that will have people glad they went. Nothing I hate more than paying a $75 fee for a low budget, home grown tourney that has to use me and my people to run their event!

Agreed..There is always someone who complains. What I am looking for is a general consensus of what would be deemed acceptable so that "too expensive" isn't the major factor in people not showing. As for the quality of the event, if I am asked to help again, I am going to do my best to put on a good show for competitors and spectators.

Last US Open we had the KKW Demo team as well as Sideswipe Performance Team for the opening ceremonies. Along with a great Korean trio group who did a great job getting the crowd warmed up. A local orchestra group did performed and we had the Marine color gaurd present the flags. This year I'm thinking pyrotechs to top last one. ha.ha.ha.ha.
There was a bill that was passed that all sparring events, even sport karate and TKD would have to be sanctioned by the Illinois Boxing Committee or an approved sanctioning organization that the IBC approves. The AKA and a another organization was able to convince them that what we do and what MMA does are two different beasts. As such they are pretty much just leaving us alone. Regardless if it was still in effect, we would not be affected as there will be no sparring.

Ironicly quote]

Someone got the ear of a State Senator, Rutherford who introduced a bill which last I heard was awaiting the governor's sig. exempting amateur comps. In the meantime I understand the Senator got a stay of enforcement of the law as it applies to amatuer comps.
Yeah, but you pay what, $7 for a litre of petrol?

No, it's about $1.60ish a litre.
Hiring the indoor training space in a leisure centre here which will be the size of three to four basket ball courts will cost you about £30 an hour ($48), this will include use of the changing rooms, showers etc,not sole use of those as the centre will have other activities on such as squash, roller skating etc but it's no hardship. The other costs will be for trophies, up to you how much you spend but they aren't dear especially if you buy in bulk. Advertising, posters, tickets if you use them don't cost a lot, cost of phone calls and postage Competitors have insurance that's why you check their grading/licence books.
You will even make a profit! or put it towards training kit etc.
Amateur martial arts tournaments can continue in Illinois


Well its good to see someone got something done about it. I know for a fact 3 tourneys that were scheduled for this year were cancelled because of it. I just didnt get the full story about what it was about. I guess there's always next year,since it got "fixed" to allow it again.

Thanks for the info....just remember, what can happen there can happen anywhere. dont be surprised if more states start trying to do similiar things. They want their cut too.
No, it's about $1.60ish a litre.
Hiring the indoor training space in a leisure centre here which will be the size of three to four basket ball courts will cost you about £30 an hour ($48), this will include use of the changing rooms, showers etc,not sole use of those as the centre will have other activities on such as squash, roller skating etc but it's no hardship. The other costs will be for trophies, up to you how much you spend but they aren't dear especially if you buy in bulk. Advertising, posters, tickets if you use them don't cost a lot, cost of phone calls and postage Competitors have insurance that's why you check their grading/licence books.
You will even make a profit! or put it towards training kit etc.

Thats ok... you can keep the cheap rates you have there... we might pay higher fees for a gym rental.... but we dont pay color tv tax or tax on the closets in my house...! LOL.