What would you do?

If you have ten show up the second week,that would be a miracle! I 1/2 hour four days a week for beginners?! Most beginning MA students are not athletes and need to work up to that kind of workout. Try twice a week at first and offer extra(non-mandatory) classes for those who want them.
can the 2 of you just get a room and leave the rest of us alone?!

I refuse to stand buy and let my silence imply that I agree. I have not brought you into this! If I don't like what a person says or stands for I am going to voice my opinion. It is your choice to not get involved. Mine is to say the things that I have said and will keep on saying as long as I am offended.
I refuse to stand buy and let my silence imply that I agree. I have not brought you into this! If I don't like what a person says or stands for I am going to voice my opinion. It is your choice to not get involved. Mine is to say the things that I have said and will keep on saying as long as I am offended.

You may want to read the rules and talk to a staff member, use the RTM feature - because you agreed to abide by the site rules when you clicked "I agree." Part of that is resolving conflict according to the design of the owner and staff.

If you find an avatar or picture offends, report it; please don't litter threads with off-topic rantings - you may get the raw end of the stick instead and we simply can't have that.
Just to rehash a few things that I'm sure everyone here knows:

1) There are ways to address issues here on the forum. Side tracking a thread to discuss those issues, and openly saying that is that you will do if you have an issue, is NOT the way to handle it.

2) If you have an issue with someone, but choose to not follow the proper way to address it, dont complain when you too, are considered part of the problem.

That being said:

Return to the original topic please. Use the RTM accordingly. In other words, dont abuse it, just because you dont like someone. That is not what it is intended for. Use the ignore feature.

MT Asst. Admin
if you start with 25, and you only lose 15, you are doing better than average.
Most people simply dont like hard work.
with a little luck a few will join over time and probably a few more will drop out, but that is the natural cycle of a class.

I think over time - but I am repeating myself - it has the chance to establish itself for the student who wish a bit more of a challenge.
students come and go. of the group I had on my first day, NONE of them are still working out with me.

do what you do, the right students will find you.

unless your goal is to make your living teaching.

if THAT is the case, then you need to design a program that has mass appeal.

but you will then be running a McDojo.

I have, in 27 years, never seen a school turn a profit without the instructor cutting corners.
Your picture of President Obama offends me!!!

Your statement that hogus are for wussies could be construed as a challenge!!! It is surely a blanket statement and a insult!

You have the right to post and say what you want. You can be as offensive as you like. I have always been one to stand up to bulliy's. If you are not a bully you certainly employ the tactics of one.

Keep talking it lets us all know who you really are!!!

I am guessing you missed the thread that had as it's sole purpose slamming Twin Fist? Of course it was Twin Fist himself who started it. Oh, and Twin Fist is no shrinking violet himself when it comes to making his opinions known. He has leveled a zinger or two at me. (Although I still think there was some miscommunication / misinterpretation which caused it.)

It should come as no surprise that Hogu wearing is not held in high esteem by virtualy anyone except Kukki / WTF TKD people. I guess there could be, and there likely are some tough SOBs who wear Hogus.
This was a hypothetical situation, it is not something that I've done. Although I know of someone it did happen to in the 60's. In that case, instead of a week it was a month...and by the end of that 1st month, there were only 3 students left....and those were the instructors relatives!

Sometimes, we who have been around TKD along time talk about the "good ol days" as if it were the hardest class imaginable every night. (I'm as guilty of that as anyone). I wanted to see if anyone would talk about what & how they would change things if they saw a need in such a drastic way.

When I began teaching in my own school a few years ago, I had come from some pretty tough instructors (including a few classes under Master Weiss) & was used to hard work outs. When I had my first group of students, I had to change my expectations & start out at a different level than I thought I would.

Whether it's my students, or myself after rehabbing from injury, I have to remind myself to start where the student is...not where I want them to be. It's a hard lesson for me to realize I'm not 17 anymore & my students aren't 16 year old brown belts with limitless energy & enthusiasm.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
When I began teaching in my own school a few years ago, I had come from some pretty tough instructors (including a few classes under Master Weiss) & was used to hard work outs. .

Speaking of the "Old Days". Remember Donald Moore? Ran into him a couple of months ago at A Bill Wallace / John Pelligrini Semninar. He runs a school in South Elgin.
Speaking of the "Old Days". Remember Donald Moore? Ran into him a couple of months ago at A Bill Wallace / John Pelligrini Semninar. He runs a school in South Elgin.

Don & I grew up together. I certainly remember him.

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