What Will Happen In 2012

mrhnau said:
Here is a question... if you knew the world would end next week, how would you change your next weeks plans?


You had better believe that I wouldn't be at work on Monday
I'm hoping for one of those 1980's post apocalypse type movie scenarios so that I can set myself up as a warlord in the aftermath. I can just see it now...football shoulder pads with spikes, scar down my face from defeating the previous warlord, machine guns and samurai swords hanging all over...oooh, I can't wait.:ultracool :rolleyes:
Navarre said:
Yeah, but what a day the 21st will be! ... If I swear my loyalty now can I put in an advance order for an 18 yr old petite brunette in a Catholic school girl uniform?

What, just ONE?
shesulsa said:
I'd probably go into hiding with my family, since there will be a lot of stoopid fools out drinking, carousing, breaking the law just so they can say they did before they died.

I'd make cookies with the kids, play endlessly with them, spend loads of time with my husband, discuss spirituality and the actions of others with my family and friends ... pretty much what I do right now.

No, I wouldn't go bungee-jumping or cliff-diving or parasailing because if everyone knew the world was going to end, everyone else would be doing those things and ... well, I don't think of life as a list of things to do, I think of it as a chance to be, to enhance my soul and maybe help others.

Plus, it would suck to die over doing something stupid if the world didn't really end.
theletch1 said:
I'm hoping for one of those 1980's post apocalypse type movie scenarios so that I can set myself up as a warlord in the aftermath. I can just see it now...football shoulder pads with spikes, scar down my face from defeating the previous warlord, machine guns and samurai swords hanging all over...oooh, I can't wait.:ultracool :rolleyes:

Gotta watch out for those Plague Mutants tho, and guys in Hockeymasks with Magnum Revolvers.

And Postmen with webbed feet.
Rich Parsons said:
From the Mayan calendar is will be the ending of the fifth (5th) age and then the beginning of the sixth (6th) age. All the ages come with change, so the ending of the world is relative in that it is an ending as one knows it and it is new and beginning a new cycle.

This is similiar to the Death card in that Tarot cards, which also means the ending of something (* not necessarily life *) and if reversed the beginning of something (* which could be birth or the addition of a child *)

So, I do not expect the world to end and not exist, but I do expect that according to the aproximately 60,000 year calendar of the Mayans (* btw, they did not need a leap year ;) *), there will be an ending of one cycle and the beginning of the next.


Yea that is true about the death/tarrot card predictions. Then again though each tarrot reader has different opinions, but here we have many people who think the world will change a lot in 2012. Heck even the Bible Code suggest it:supcool:.
Technopunk said:
Gotta watch out for those Plague Mutants tho, and guys in Hockeymasks with Magnum Revolvers.

And Postmen with webbed feet.
At least the postmen with webbed feet would finally be able to carry through on delivery during that whole "Rain nor snow nor dark of night" thing.
Navarre said:
Aah...I see you understand my mind quite well. I'd be more clear about exactly what I'd like but it would probably get me suspended.

*insert cheap shamless plug for Martial Talk here*

Then become a supporting member and tell us all about it in the premium club.

*End Cheap Shamless Plug*
Same thing that happened at the turn of the 20th cent. and the 21st (remember Y2K?)...life goes on......
JPR said:
2012 will be a great turning point in my life. I'll be 50!

Well you get an AARP card, and a 15% discount. I'll be your reference.

In 2012 I turn 55.

It'll be interesting to see how much warmer the world is, whether we've gotten a hydrogen economy, gotten out of Iraq, gone to Mars, developed the space elevator to any great degree, developed a space plane with a scramjet rocket, gotten rail guns up and running for the Navy....

Can we make this thread a "time capsule?"

If the world ends, it won't matter. If it does...or any of the "prophecies" come true, we can chortle over what we wrote this month.


I'll be 47 and my two oldest kids will be of legal age and then some by that point and my youngest will be in the throes of puberty and will be starting high school.

Maybe I can go to the Carribbean by then ....
shesulsa said:
And the world was supposed to end in 2000 as well.

I still don't believe Corporate America has forgiven consultants over Y2K hype and billings, and it's been half a decade now...

Or to quote the greatest modern American Prophet; Peter Griffin of The Family Guy:

Peter: Y2K? What are you selling, chicken or sex jelly?

Maybe the Artist formerly known as Prince can do a remix and rerelease his 1999 song...
Technopunk said:
*insert cheap shamless plug for Martial Talk here*

Then become a supporting member and tell us all about it in the premium club.

*End Cheap Shamless Plug*

Buying my Supporting Member plan is on my soon-to-be-done list. I'll sacrifice my next dvd purchase for it.

Even then, I'll still watch myself.
Technopunk said:
*insert cheap shamless plug for Martial Talk here*

Then become a supporting member and tell us all about it in the premium club.

*End Cheap Shamless Plug*

Navarre said:
Buying my Supporting Member plan is on my soon-to-be-done list. I'll sacrifice my next dvd purchase for it.

Even then, I'll still watch myself.

LOL, Navarre, are you getting the sense that between myself on other threads and Techno, we may be wanting you to purchase that Supporting Membership? ;)

Subtle we are not. :)
Lisa said:
LOL, Navarre, are you getting the sense that between myself on other threads and Techno, we may be wanting you to purchase that Supporting Membership?

Actually, I guess I'm either dense or socially retarded. I wasn't taking the comments to be a request for me specifically.

I thought ppl who cared enough to purchase supporting memberships were just wanting as much influx of investment as possible for the sake of the board. I never thought that I was being courted personally.
My first child will be of to college and I will be consumed by debt in trying to pay for an $80,000 per year education.

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